LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

76994|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Sonics Looping-Challenge in der Green Hill Zone

76995|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Shadow the Hedgehog Flucht

76998|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Knuckles und der Schrein des Master Emerald

77001|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Sonics Showdown am Lagerfeuer

76996|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Knuckles' Wächter-Mech

76993|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Sonic vs. Dr. Eggmans Death Egg Robot

77002|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Cyclone vs. Metal Sonic

77000|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Shadow the Hedgehog

76990|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Sonics Kugel-Challenge

76992|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Amys Tierrettungsinsel

77003|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Super Shadow vs. Biolizard

76991|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Tails‘ Tornadoflieger mit Werkstatt

76997|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Tails’ Abenteuerboot

76999|LEGO® Sonic the Hedgehog™

Super Sonic vs. Egg Drillster