egon the extraordinary

Amber Spiral – Chapter 9: Epilogue

With the Original Master gone and no chains around me, I was freed back into my body, leaving me and Egon alone in the wreckage. I was disappointed to hear that Chamille bolted with some of the artefacts, but I can deal with her betrayal later. Egon helped me collect up the other relics – I know a sub-basement beneath Borg Tower that would be perfect for these.

He was a little reluctant to hand back the Whirlwand (his choice of name, not mine) worried that he was a fraud without it.

“Back to the construction site. Without the wand, I’ll never be anything but a fake.”

“No,” I assured him. “You can be authentic. A real magician.”

I hope he follows my advice.

As I look at the Urn of Enmity, I can’t help thinking about what the Amber was created for. The Original Master of Amber was obsessed with taking what wasn’t his and it sent him down a very lonely path, just like my father.

I think of my friends, and I’m so glad they helped me to find a different path, where the Amber can be a tool for teamwork, not theft. Unity, never jealousy.

Despite all the excitement, I was sad that I’d been so easily manipulated by the Original Master of Amber. My vision seems suspicious in hindsight – perhaps I wanted to believe in it so badly that I let myself walk into an obvious trap?

Maybe it’s time to accept that she’s gone. It feels like losing her again, but if this adventure has shown me anything, it’s that some things are best left in the past. Besides, I have an exciting future ahead.