Rebuild a bus into a clubhouse

Did you see our latest post about how to create your own builds with bricks from your favorite set? The model that’s shown on the box is just the beginning. You can create anything you can imagine with bricks you already have. Once again, we will use the Friendship Bus as an example. Only this time, it’s been rebuilt into a cool clubhouse! Here are three more questions you can ask yourself to spot new possibilities. 1. What play scene(s) do I like about the model I already have? What exactly is the function of the bus? The Friends can hang out together. It’s almost like a clubhouse on wheels! Bingo! Let’s build a clubhouse – without the wheels this time. 2. What play scenes would be fun to have in a clubhouse? Bunkbeds for sleepovers are fun, of course, and even mini-doll figures have to eat, so they need a small kitchen, too. The rooftop terrace lets your Friends keep a lookout and alert the others if intruders get near their secret place! 3. Does it really matter if you get it “right” the first time? Not at all. Remember, there are no right or wrong ways to rebuild your sets. Sometimes you can start out with one idea, and as you build, five or ten new ideas pop up. You’re the boss of your bricks – you decide. Feel like trying out one of your new ideas now? (We thought so ) Have fun rebuilding!