How to build a tropical LEGO® fish

Did you know you can find around 9 million species of marine life and sea creatures in coral reefs around the world? Coral reefs are like the rainforests of the sea. You can discover almost any color, shape and creature you can imagine somewhere! And more are found every year. Maybe one day YOU will discover a new fish? What do you think it will look like? Until then, you can build your own new species of tropical fish. If you need inspiration, download these easy instructions. We have used bricks found in the 41376 Turtle Rescue Mission set, but you can use any colors or shapes you already have. Dive in and share your build here on LEGO® Life! Want to become a Sea Life Friend? Here’s how: 1. Push the purple pledge button 2. Download, print and sign the pledge to do your best to take care of the sea and all life inside it! Thank you for being an amazing Sea Life Friend! Source: