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LEGO® Fortnite® Survival Mode Tips

Playing LEGO® Fortnite® in Survival Mode can be some of the most inspiring and challenging ways to prove how creative and resourceful you can be. All you need is some curiosity, creativity and your limitless imagination.

Also you have to defend yourself against the rain and the cold and skeletons, who are all just so angry. But don’t worry! You’ve got this, and we’ve got you.

In this LEGO Fortnite guide, we’ll show you how to survive your first few days using the creativity that will inspire you to get stronger every day.

Amazing Adventures in LEGO® Fortnite®

Imagine waking up in a bright and colorful world that looks a lot like Fortnite, but it’s really made of LEGO bricks and elements. Well that’s exactly what LEGO Fortnite is – and the whole world is yours to explore!

Familiar Fortnite faces like Cuddle Team Leader and Brite Bomber are everywhere. The cute chickens, cows and sheep you meet are adorable LEGO bricks and element creations, too. Even Fortnite Outfits magically transform into LEGO Styles. It all works together!

LEGO Fortnite in Survival Mode will challenge you to build, gather, craft, fight enemies and explore, even though you start with nothing!

But it’s okay. Everything you need is all around you.

But you need to be careful. This is survival, after all. When the sun goes down and the moon comes up, you need to stay warm. Plus there are skeletons who rise from the ground, and they all have a bone to pick with you. I guess you really get under their skin!

You’ll gather wood, craft swords and shields, and learn to protect yourself from those playful skeletons. The more you build, the more you learn, and you’ll discover new blueprints to create even more fantastic creations.

In LEGO Fortnite, you create your world, and you tell your own story. Nobody else playing the game has a world quite like yours, and you get to make your world whatever you want it to be. You can pet a cow and get its milk or you can eliminate the heifer and harvest meat instead.

So let’s go start your adventure and discover the mysteries together.

Your First Day

There you are, in the middle of a beautiful Fortnite-inspired world.

Now what?

It’s a big world out there, but here in Survival Mode, you have to build, gather, craft and defend yourself while you explore. That means taking care of yourself first, in ways that make sense in the real world, too.

In your Survival world, the sun is moving, and night will be here soon. And you’ll need shelter and warmth and food.

That’s what LEGO Fortnite Survival is all about: surviving. And you already have a good start on how to do that!

Your First Trek

Explore around where you landed and see if you can speak to a friendly face!

Look at your surroundings. Are there bushes, trees and rocks nearby? If not, then move to an area where they are. Why? Because you’re going to need a lot of them to survive.

Start picking up everything that you can. Pick up wood and rocks and anything that looks like you can eat it. Find some bushes and skinny trees nearby, punch them, and collect the resources that pop out.

Now you’re surviving!

If you’re cold, you need to warm up, right? What would you need to build a fire in the real world? Wood! It won’t take much gathering before you receive a Campfire blueprint.

With a resource and a blueprint, you’re all set for when it gets cold tonight. Nice work!

This is a super important part of LEGO Fortnite. You’re gathering resources in your backpack, and now you get to use those resources to make awesome things.

Your First Food

In the upper left corner of your screen, you’ll see a bunch of little segments arranged in a circle. That tells you how hungry you are. If you get too hungry, you’ll take damage just like an enemy hit you!

Find and eat the food that you can find growing around. And pay attention when you eat, too. Some food takes longer to finish than others, and some food fills you up more than others, too. Some food even has special powers!

As you’re out gathering resources, look for a nice place to live. Is it a good area, full of resources? Would you have to walk very far to gather more wood and granite? Maybe you’d like to live up high on a hill, so you can plan your next adventure while looking down on the rest of the world.

Now think about what you would need to feel safe and protected when it’s dark and even rainy. A house, of course! And what would you need to build a house? More wood!

You got the Campfire blueprint when you collected wood, so use it in an area that seems like a smart and safe place to settle. Open your Builds menu, and select the Campfire. Now choose a place to put it, and build it. Within a second, you’ll have a source of heat to keep you warm at night. Look at you, surviving!

After you build your campfire, you’ll receive the Simple Shack blueprint. That’s exactly what you need for those cold and rainy nights. But building a house – even a little one – is more complicated than building a campfire, and it’s time to learn how building works.

Your First Builds

Building is one of the best things to do in LEGO Fortnite, complete with the clicky satisfaction that you get from snapping real-world LEGO bricks and elements together.

It’s easy. You pick something to build, choose a place to put it, and then you snap pieces like floors and walls and roofs into place.

Every piece you place requires a resource, which is why we spent so much time gathering so much wood earlier. Still, you may need to make a trip for some wood or other elements. Hopefully, you won’t have to run far to get them!

Then it’s just a matter of choosing a location (probably close to your campfire), selecting the piece that you want to place and snapping your first home together. Just point your cursor at the silhouette that matches the piece that you selected, press a button or key, and your floors, walls and ceilings click into place.

Even better, every time you build and place those pieces, you also gain access to their individual parts. They’re available in your Build menu for the rest of the game.

You’ll unlock the Bed blueprint after you finish building your house. Head to your Simple Shack, and build a place to sleep with the Bed blueprint.

Now crawl into bed and rest.

As you lie down, you’ll see that any health you’re missing fills up. You can’t skip the night, though. Survival worlds require more from you, even when it’s dark and cold and scary!

Resting has one more benefit: If you die, you’ll respawn in the (relative) comfort and safety of your house and bonfire.

OK. You lit a campfire, and you built a house and a bed. Now it’s night, and things got weird! The sun went down, and the angry skeletons came out! Also it’s chilly, so if you leave your campfire, you’ll get super cold and eventually lose health.

So let’s be smarter than the night.

First, craft yourself a torch to light the darkness and keep you warm when you’re away from your campfire. You may want to equip it in your off-hand. That’s the empty space at the far right of your backpack menu. That way, you can hold your torch in one hand and punch things like trees and skeletons with your free hand.

It’s time to make some higher-level items, like a Crafting Bench. Check out that blueprint, and do what you’re already good at: Gather the required resources, and build it back by your campfire.

After you build the crafting bench, you can use your resources to make tools, weapons and armor.

Wood is just a raw material. Build some machines with the blueprints you get, and you can then gather wood, refine it into the shapes you want and use those shapes to create tools to do everything faster and more efficiently, from building to defending.

Your First Fight

What about those skeletons? Also the spiders?

You know what works really well? Running away, especially when you don’t have a weapon. Seriously! There’s no shame in that.

If you have a Crafting Bench, then build a sword and a shield. You’ll be astounded at how effective they are against once-terrifying skeletons, spiders and wolves.

Your First Village

Just about everything you do at the beginning of LEGO Fortnite unlocks possibilities for even more to build, but what good’s a big world without anyone to share it with? That’s where your friends come in, and in LEGO Fortnite, friends can mean a couple of different things.

First are your real-world friends, who you can invite into your island, as we wrote about in our guide to playing LEGO Fortnite with friends, who can help you do just about everything faster and safer.

Your world is also populated by a bunch of in-game friends, too. The more you build around your village, the more interesting your home base becomes, and soon you’ll find that your work is magnetic.

As you build and upgrade your village, people will start visiting. Take care of your friends, and they’ll take care of you.

Start with the Village Square, a super important item that transforms the area into a village. It also allows you to level up your village. You’ll need to build from blueprints and donate resources at the Village Square to increase your level.

As you upgrade your village, you’ll receive new blueprints, be able to add more villagers to your town, and you’ll receive occasional surprise gifts, bonuses and perks.

Make sure to talk to visiting explorers. Invite them to stay. Offer them a bed and a roof of their own. Keep getting to know them, and they’ll be happy to continue the hard work that you started.

Your First Week

Now you have a town and friends living in it. You’re taking the wood that you punched with your hands not long ago and chopping it down with axes. You’ve built machines. You’ve built tools.

You’ve come a long way, and even though you’ve only just scratched the surface of LEGO Fortnite, you already have the fundamental skills that will guide you through the rest of the game. Bravo!

The more you craft, the more you can build. The more you can build, the more friends you can invite to stay. The more friends you have, the more you can all work together to make even bigger and better things from tools to buildings to adventures.

And you’ve got a long way to go. Because in LEGO Fortnite, the only limit is your imagination.

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