Interaktiivse LEGO® Luigi™ seiklused


71440 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Luigi™
71440 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Luigi™
71440 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Luigi™
71440 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Luigi™
71440 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Luigi™
71440 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Luigi™
71440 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Luigi™
71440 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Luigi™
71440 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Luigi™
71440 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Luigi™
71440 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Luigi™


Aita LEGO® Luigi™-l teada saada, kes aias mürki levitab! Tutvu roosa beebi Yoshiga, haara latern ja hakka uurima. Võida ära puu sees peituv Boo ja sööge puuvilja. Vaata! See on Kamek, kes põhjustab oma mürgimaagiaga probleeme. Trambi seeneplatvormil, et teda kukutada ja et ta harjavarrega minema lendaks!

Building Instructions

Building Instructions

71440 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Luigi™

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No building instructions for this set.