LEGO® Star Wars™

LEGO® Star Wars™ brings out the Rebel in you. Build your own galaxy, your favorite scenes from the movie or TV shows, or break all rules and make your own!

Get creative with LEGO® Star Wars™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Watch fun LEGO® Star Wars™ videos

LEGO® Star Wars™

Explore what’s new

How to play with lights

LEGO® Star Wars™

Clever lighting can take your LEGO® Star Wars™ Brickphotos to the next level. Watch this video tutorial and get lots of handy tips on how to highlight your hero character, add drama to a scene and help you capture the mood of your story. You’ll be amazed by what you can do with a desk light and some colored paper!

ARC-170 Starfighter™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Lenda lahingusse ARC-170 Starfighteriga filmist alates Star Wars: Sithi kättemaks™. Kokpitis on kloonpiloot Odd Ball, kloonpiloot Jag ja kloonpiloot. Aktiveeri tiivad rünnakurežiimi jaoks ja sihi vaenlasi vedrulaskeseadmega. Galaktika tulevik on sinu kätes!

LEGO® Star Wars™ vehicles for the dark side

LEGO® Star Wars™

Calling all forces of the dark side, from Stormtroopers™ to Sith™ apprentices! Do you want to crush your enemies and rule the galaxy? Then expand your armies with these terrifying engines of destruction! Have an idea on how to power up an attack vehicle? Use bricks from your collection to customize your forces! Are you ready to rule the galaxy? 75250 Pasaana Speeder Chase (First Order Treadspeeder) Fast patrol speeder for chasing down Rebel scum. 75254 AT-ST™ Raider Fast and agile scout walker armed with laser cannons. 75256 Kylo Ren’s Shuttle™ Fly in style and spread fear across the galaxy in a First Order command shuttle. Want to check out the competition? See all the Jedi™ and Rebel vehicles in another article.

LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens Buildable Figures

LEGO® Star Wars™

Check out the best videos of the past with LEGO® Time Machine! There has been an awakening. Join the battle with the LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Buildable Figures.

Grogu™ koos hõljuva vankriga

LEGO® Star Wars™

Näita oma armastust Grogu vastu! Keera nuppe, et Grogu käsi ning tema pead ja kõrvu liigutada. Aseta tema kätte Sorgani konn (tema lemmiksuupiste!), käiguvahetamisnupp või küpsis ning esitle teda hõljuva vankri sees või väljas. Lisa standardsuuruses Grogu LEGO® figuuriga infotahvel väikesesse klotsidest ehitatud vankrisse, et vahva väljapanek oleks täiuslik.

Brilliant LEGO® Star Wars™ Brickorama Tips & Tricks

LEGO® Star Wars™

1. Remember SNOT – Studs Not On Top! 2. Use SNOT building techniques to create rocky cliffs and more. 3. Display starships ‘flying’ by using transparent LEGO® bricks. 4. Also create dynamic character poses with transparent pieces. 5. Adjust LEGO® minifigures’ arms and hands to show their emotions.

LEGO® Life

Find the way

LEGO® Star Wars™

Discover the steps of how to create epic Star Wars™ themed drawings with just pencils! Watch as Scott Anthony builds up his scene by layering details and colors over a base sketch. Try this yourself with your favorite Star Wars characters!​

Home One Starcruiser

LEGO® Star Wars™

Võta ette keerukas ehitusprojekt, et taasluua Home One Starcruiser, mida saab näha filmis Star Wars: Jedi tagasitulek™. Taaselusta eepilisi Endori lahingu stseene, kui ehitad mässuliste laevastiku lipulaeva. Esitle oma kogutavat klotsidest ehitatud mudelit alusel, kõrval „lendamas“ Nebulon-B meditsiiniline meeskond, ja eemalda laeva Home One külg, et näha interjööridetaile.

Time for festive Brick Photos!

LEGO® Star Wars™

We’ve introduced you to all sorts of cool Brick Photo techniques over the past few months. You’ve discovered tips and tricks to get creative with lighting and backgrounds to make your LEGO® Star Wars™ scenes look super-dramatic. Now it’s time to use everything you’ve learned and play with us this festive season!

Yoda™ and Luke in Cloud City™ - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story

LEGO® Star Wars™

What if Yoda™ had said “Come with you, I will”, when Luke went to rescue his friends in Cloud City™? Could they have rescued Han Solo™ from the Stormtroopers, Boba Fett™, and even Darth Vader™? Be inspired to tell your own LEGO® Star Wars™ stories - The greatest battles are built by you!

Mando ja Grogu N-1 Starfighter™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Lenda lahingusse Mando ja Grogu laheda N-1 Starfighteriga! Täida kütusepaak tanklas kütusega ja hüppa koos Mandalorianiga kokpitti, aita Grogu kaasreisija istmele ja alusta oma missiooni! Avasta teisi planeete Grogu hõljuva vankri ja Mandaloriani reaktiivseadmega. Tee koostööd R5-D4-ga ja tõrju vaenlaseid Mando tumemõõgaga. Kui lahe!

Tips & Tricks to create a supercool Brick Photo!

LEGO® Star Wars™

1. Make a snowy, Hoth-like landscape by covering rocks with bin-liner plastic, then pour over flour. 2. Hang your starships above the scene using thin wire to recreate aerial battle action. 3. Wrap wire around the minifigures to hold them in action poses. 4. Place a mini light inside the cockpit of a starfighter to add extra drama. 5. Blow the flour using an aerosol spray to create a snowstorm effect.

Rebuild the Galaxy like never before

LEGO® Star Wars™

Check out LEGO® Star Wars™ sets

Ambush on Mandalore™ Battle Pack

Mandalore™’i varitsemise lahingukomplekt

LEGO® Star Wars™

Lenda reaktiivseadmega Mandalore'i lahingutesse! Patrulli koobast Mandalore’i Nite Owli ja Mandalore’i sõdalasega. Kuid ole ettevaatlik! Impeeriumi komandöri on valmis alustama varitsusrünnakut oma reaktiivseadmete, paukpüstolite ja nupse tulistavate kahuritega. Kasuta Mandalore’i sõdalaste kahureid ja reaktiivseadmeid, et võidelda vastu. Kes võidab? See on sinu otsustada!

Ahsoka Jedi Interceptor™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Kujuta ette, et käivitad filmi Star Wars: kloonide sõda™ tegevuse koos Ahsoka Tanoga! Hüppa Ahsoka vinge Jedi Interceptori kokpitti. Aseta R7-A7 oma kohale ja stardi. Reguleeri tiibu rünnakurežiimi jaoks. Sihi vedrulaskeseadega vaenlase tähevõitlejaid. Maandu sujuvalt, seejärel liitu Anakin Skywalkeriga eepilisteks valgusmõõga lahinguteks!

TIE Interceptor™

LEGO® Star Wars™

See on tagasi ja täielikult ümber kujundatud! See klassikalise TIE Interceptori uus UCSi versioon on täis koheselt äratuntavaid detaile. Taaselusta Star Wars: Return of the Jedi tegevuse, kui lood uuesti selle iseloomulikud tiivad, üksikasjalikud kokpitid ja laserkahurid. Näita oma muljetavaldavat loomingut stendil TIE Piloti LEGO® minifiguuri, hiiredroidi ja Star Wars™ 25. aastapäeva klotsiga.

Acclamator-Class Assault Ship™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Ehita kõigi aegade esimene LEGO® klotsidest ründelaev Acclamator-Class Assault Ship, nagu sai näha filmis Star Wars: kloonide rünnak™. Loo uuesti autentsed detailid tähelaevast, mis vedas kloonsõdalased Geonosise lahingusse. Aseta oma looming alusele ja esitle seda eraldi või koos teiste LEGO kogutavate klotsidest ehitatud mudelitega (müügil eraldi) Star Wars™ tähelaevade kollektsioonist.

New Republic E-Wing™ vs. Shin Hati Starfighter™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Aita Captain Porteril ja tema usaldusväärsel droidil tema New Republic E-Wing’il põgeneda! Lenda läbi galaktika tippkiirusel Shin Hati Starfighter’iga. Aktiveeri E-Wing’i nupsukahurid ja hoia eemale starfighter’i laskudest. Maanda E-Wing ja kasuta Baylan Skolli ja Shin Hati valgusmõõgarünnakute tõrjumiseks Captain Porteri kahuripüstolit. See on lahing, mille pead võitma!

Crimson Firehawk™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Tee koostööd Nash Durango, Nubsi ja RJ-83-ga Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventuresi jaoks! Kasuta Nashi mutrivõtit, et valmistada ette Crimson Firehawk ja alustada oma järgmist missiooni. Hüppa kokpitti ja lenda teisele planeedile. Maandumisel tõsta kiirratas tähelaevalt maha ja alusta avastamist. Võid isegi peidetud varanduse leida!

Advent Calendar 2024

Advendikalender 2024

LEGO® Star Wars™

Tähista selle advendikalendriga 25 aasta möödumist ägedatest LEGO® Star Wars™ komplektidest! Kalendri uste tagant leiab klassikaliste tähelaevade miniversioonid. Leiad ka ikooniliste tegelaste LEGO minifiguurid erilistes pühaderõivastes, et etendada oma eepilisi Star Warsi lugusid. Saad jõulude eel ehitada sõna otseses mõttes LEGO Star Warsi ajaloo tipphetki aastatel 1999–2024!


TIE Fighter-i ja X-Wing-i kombo

LEGO® Star Wars™

Pane kokku kaks ikoonilist Star Wars™ tähevõitlejat! Kasuta TIE Fighteri kere ja X-Wingi tiibu „X-fighteri“ ehitamiseks või vastupidi, et teha „TIE wing“. Käivita oma missioon Rebel Piloti või TIE Pilotiga kabiinis, pardal on ka L3-G0 droid. Mõlemal tähevõitlejal on vedrulaskeseadmed ja oma kombineeritud loomingut on lihtne ümber ehitada klassikaliseks TIE Fighteriks ja X-Wingiks!

Venator-klassi Vabariigi lahinguristleja

LEGO® Star Wars™

Ehita ja esitle massiivset Ultimate Collector sarja versiooni Venator-klassi Vabariigi lahinguristlejast. Jäädvusta autentsed detailid, nagu komandosild ja angaar, mis sisaldab Vabariigi sõjalaeva. Aseta Captain Rexi ja Admiral Yulareni LEGO® minifiguurid sisseehitatud alusele. Infotahvel ja kloonisõdade 20. aastapäeva klots täiustavad tõeliselt suurejoonelist eksponaati.

Invisible Hand™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Asu inspireerivale missioonile, et ehitada see LEGO® klotsidest tähelaevamudel Invisible Hand filmist „Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith“. Ehita angaar, kus Anakin Skywalker ja Obi-Wan Kenobi oma tähevõitlejate maandusid ja muud autentsed detailid. Aseta oma tähelaev koos nimesildi ja LEGO Star Wars™ 25. aastapäeva klotsiga alusele, et oma loominguline teekond lõpule viia.

Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Darth Maul jahib oma Sith Infiltratoris Qui-Gon Jinni! Jälgi selle vedruga laskureid. Hoidu tähelaevalt kukkuvate DRK-1 sondidroidide eest. Tegevus jätkub kohapeal Darth Mauli Bloodfini kiirrattaga. Tee koostööd Anakin Skywalkeriga ja kasuta Qui-Gon Jinni valgusmõõka, et võidelda kahe teraga valgusmõõgaga Darth Mauli vastu. Kas sa suudad võita selle võimsa Sith Lordi?

Luke Skywalkeri Lightsaber™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Watch LEGO® Star Wars™ videos

LEGO® Life

Bring your still life to life

LEGO® Star Wars™

It’s time for a little Grogu™ still life practice! Grab your minifigure and follow along as Casper teaches you how to make your minifigure drawing float. The first step is creating a base sketch out of pencil so you can make changes to the face and body shape until you get it just how you want it. Then, go over all the lines, including the details, with a thin marker. Next, go back around the outside of the drawing with a thicker marker. This will give your minifigure some weight on the page. When it comes to color, try using different hues of the same color to create depth and show off the details. And now for the final step – making it float! Use a soft color under the minifigure to shade in a little spot that kind of mimics the shape of your minifigure. Think about what your shadow would look like if you were floating!

LEGO® Life

Find your angles

LEGO® Star Wars™

Here are some great tips and tricks from Suné Horn on how to add the right lighting, angles and effects to your shots. Remember that you can make your own lighting kit in your home with what you have! You can always use natural light, or if you want something more dramatic you can add a spotlight!

Taking Out the Trash – LEGO® Star Wars™

LEGO® Star Wars™

When you’re fighting an evil, Galactic Empire, you need high-tech weapons, brave Rebels, the Force, and last, but not least: banana peels. Be inspired to tell your own LEGO® Star Wars™ stories – The greatest battles are built by you!

Capture epic Jedi action!

LEGO® Star Wars™

The Force is strong with you, Jedi. Get ready to launch your Y-wing starfighter into the world of Brick Photo! Will you lead the Rebels to victory in your epic creation? Watch the video and get inspired to snap your own stories.

Snap your own Battle of Yavin!

LEGO® Star Wars™

Jedi, an adventure awaits at the Battle of Yavin. Join the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the Empire and bring it to life through your Brick Photos! Will you recreate iconic scenes or create your own tale of triumph? Watch the video and be inspired.

Luke’s surprise gift

LEGO® Star Wars™

Picture this: Luke Skywalker strolls into the Emperor’s Throne Room with a gift for Darth Vader! Can you even imagine?! Palpatine might not be happy about it, but what about Vader? Will he accept the gift, or will he continue to fight Luke until the very end? There are so many awesome LEGO® Star Wars™ stories to tell, anything can happen in a galaxy far, far away – be inspired to tell your own!

LEGO® Life

Making snowy scenes

LEGO® Star Wars™

How do you make a snowy scene come to life? Watch how Benedek Lampert uses ordinary things around his house like flour, cardboard and garbage bags to build a snowy mountain-scape for his amazing brick photo. You can add even more details to your photos when you get creative. Make trees out of cardboard or position your minifigures doing cool moves by using paper clips!

LEGO® Life

LEGO® Star Wars™: This is how we play!

LEGO® Star Wars™

Playing can go beyond building. Step outside of the expected and create your own LEGO® Star Wars™ masterpieces. Whether you’re a painter, photographer or filmmaker, you can make your own out-of-this-galaxy creations. Check out this video and get inspired… #ThisIsHowWePlay

The Hungry Imperials – LEGO® Star Wars™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Princess Leia™ has a plan. Even the most hardened Stormtroopers have to eat, and when was the last time you saw them sit down for a nice meal? Maybe the lure of a free lunch can clear the Rebels’ path to victory? Be inspired to tell your own LEGO® Star Wars™ stories – The greatest battles are built by you!

The DARK FALCON | Celebrate the Season

LEGO® Star Wars™

Will Jedi Bob’s Starfighter be fast enough to outrun the DARK FALCON? He and his padawan are trying to flee from Darth Rey but it looks like a close call! They might need some help from familiar friends to pull off this daring escape...

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer Announce #1

LEGO® Star Wars™

Check out the best videos of the past with LEGO® Time Machine! Return to a galaxy far, far away as the best-selling LEGO Star Wars videogame franchise returns with a epic new adventure.

LEGO® Life

Try a hand-drawn Hunter™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Try your skills at drawing a speedy scene from The Bad Batch™ featuring Hunter™. Get a good look at your hoverbike and minifigure, then start drawing! First you will want to draw everything down in pencil. Pay attention to any details. For this base layer it’s OK to make mistakes! Also, fill in the surrounding page with things like motion lines and dust to make it look like your bike is speeding! Next, outline everything in a thin black marker and then the outer-most line with a thicker black marker. When it comes to color, be sure to use different hues to build shadows and highlights in your drawing. It’s those details that really bring it to life. To make your bike hover, add a hoverbike-shaped shadow below your drawing. The darker the shadow, the lower it looks to the ground. Finally, push those highlights with a white paint pen or colored pencil.