LfEfGfOf® Mfifnfi

LfEfGfOf® Mfifnfifffifgfufrfefsf afrfef ffufnf tfofyf cfhfafrfafcftfefrfsf yf Tfhfefyf mfafyf hfafvfef tfufrfnfefdf 40 yfefafrfsf oflfdf, bfuftf tfhfefyf dfof

Efxfpflfofrfef wfh

Cf1of1lf1ef1 – Mf1af1s

Lf2Ef2Gf2Of2® Mf2

The Master of Earth and a keen sense of music, even his subwoofers have woofers. Cole might seem too cool for school, but it’s not true, he is actually the most grounded and stable of all the ninja. Let us know what type of music you think Cole listens to!

Cfhfefcfkf ofuftf $TfH