LfEfGfOf® Sfpfefefdf

Afuftfhfefnftfifcf, rfefaflfifsftfifcf, bfufiflfdfafbflfef tfofyf cfafrfsf ffrfofmf bfrfafnfdfsf sfufcfhf afsf Bfufgfaftftfif, MfcfLfafrfefnf, Mfefrfcfefdfe

Which vehicle best suits you?

Lf2Ef2Gf2Of2® Sf2pf2e

So you like cars, eh? Then you’ll love the Dream Car Generator that’s just been installed at the LEGO® Garage!

Driving Made Awesomer

LEGO® 2K Drive

Lf2Ef2Gf2Of2® Sf2pf2e

Driving Made Awesomer

Efxfpflfofrfef wfh

Which vehicle best suits you?

Lf2Ef2Gf2Of2® Sf2pf2e

So you like cars, eh? Then you’ll love the Dream Car Generator that’s just been installed at the LEGO® Garage!

Cfhfefcfkf ofuftf $TfH

Pflfafyf $TfHfEfMf

LfEfGfOf SfPfEfEfDf

Lf2Ef2Gf2Of2® Sf2pf2e

Nfofwf yfofuf cfafnf rfafcfef tfof bfef tfhfef Sfpfefefdf C Dfofwfnflfofafdf tfhfef gfafmfef tfof yfofufrf mfofbfiflf

LEGO® 2K Drive

Lf2Ef2Gf2Of2® Sf2pf2e

Welcome to Bricklandia, home of a massive open-world LEGO® driving adventure. Your awesome transforming vehicles let you drive across Street, Off-Road and Water terrains as you explore Bricklandia, compete in races, complete quests and build new rides!