Hari Internet yang Lebih Aman 2023

Tips dari Loserfruit untuk bermain game

Memiliki komunitas yang erat dan siap mendukungmu Komunitas game sayangnya tidak selalu menyenangkan. Terkadang, rasanya ada aja orang di luar sana yang ingin membuat pengalaman bermainmu jadi tidak menyenangkan. Daripada memikirkan orang-orang semacam itu, kamu bisa fokus mencari sekelompok orang yang selalu bisa menciptakan pengalaman bermain yang menyenangkan sekaligus membuatmu merasa aman. Jika mereka melihat kalian bersenang-senang dan bekerja sama untuk meraih tujuan bersama, mereka mungkin malah akan ikut bersenang-senang dengan kalian dan berhenti bersikap tidak baik. Mereka sebenarnya bersikap seperti itu karena tidak punya kerjaan aja! Jika ada orang yang tidak berhenti mengganggumu ... Jika ada orang yang membuatmu kesal di dunia maya apa pun niatnya, BICARAKAN hal itu dengan seseorang yang bisa kamu percayai. Jangan pernah takut untuk membuka mulut kalau kamu jadi target perilaku seperti itu. Menceritakan masalah kepada orang lain bisa meringankan bebanmu. Kamu kalah? Dibikin santai aja! Menjadi pribadi yang kompetitif itu baik, tetapi kamu tidak boleh lupa kalau bermain game itu seharusnya adalah aktivitas yang menyenangkan. Kamu tidak harus selalu memenangi pertandingan, dan ini hal yang wajar! Setiap kekalahan adalah batu loncatan Pada awal setiap bulan, aku menentukan beberapa target untuk diri sendiri. Ini adalah caraku untuk terus termotivasi, bahkan ketika aku sedang tidak bisa bermain dengan baik pada hari-hari tertentu. Aku tidak menganggap kekalahan sebagai hal yang buruk, tetapi cara untuk mempelajari hal-hal baru. Kamu perlu ingat bahwa tidak ada seorang pun yang bisa mencapai sesuatu dalam semalam. Tanpa kegagalan, kita tidak akan pernah berkembang dalam hal apa pun! Jangan lupa untuk istirahat Keseimbangan itu sangat penting dalam bermain game! Aku tahu kita bisa lupa waktu sekalinya bermain game yang seru, tetapi kamu harus ingat untuk beristirahat. Kamu bisa berolahraga, menelepon teman, mengerjakan tugas yang belum selesai, bermain dengan anjing peliharaan, atau kegiatan lain yang membuatmu senang! Bermain game itu menyenangkan, tetapi kamu tidak boleh menjadikannya satu-satunya prioritasmu.


Episode 1 – What is Real and what is Fake?!

Stuff you come across on the internet might not always be true. But how do you spot the difference?! Check out my video and find out! :-)


Episode 2 – How does it make you feel?

Do you ever see things on the internet that make you sad or angry? I definitely know that feeling! Check out my video to find out more about avoiding hurtful content.


Episode 3 – Where does it come from?

Sometimes you might come across something and think ”Huh, that can’t be right!?”. And when you do, it is important to be vigilant. Check out my video to find out more about spotting questionable sources. Come back next week to see me catch the culprit!


Episode 4 – How can we stop it?

Not everyone is nice all the time. Some people post mean stuff just to be mean. But when you find mean things like that, you can always report or block it. Check out my final video to find out who’s behind all this marine life misinformation.

Cari tahu cara #BoostUp teman-temanmu

Hati-hati! Hal-hal yang sangat perlu diwaspadai saat online


What to ‘Watch Out’ for when you’re online

Oh, the internet…it’s a whole world of fun, games, chatting and making friends! But there are a couple of things to ‘watch out’ for when you’re online. Check out the video to find out what they are.


Watch Outs When You’re Online Messaging

The cool thing about being online is being able to contact friends and chat about the things you like! When you’re online messaging, there are a few things to keep in mind, to make sure that you stay safe and still have loads of fun chatting. Check out this video to find our more.


Watch Outs When You’re Gaming

Playing games online is just So. Much. Fun. But there are a couple of things that you might want to think about when you’re gaming. Watch this video and find out how you can stay safe, be cool and have fun while you’re gaming!


Watch Outs When You’re Watching Videos

There are so many funny and interesting things to see when you’re online! When you’re watching videos, there are a couple of things to remember, that will help make sure you stay safe AND have fun. Watch this video to find out more.

Pernah bertemu makhluk-makhluk ini secara online?

LEGO® Life

Gamer 4 life? That’s the motto of the Multiplayer!

The Multiplayer is always playing some kind of video game on phones, tablets, consoles or computers. They game when they’re brushing their teeth or eating their dinner. Loosing a game can turn a Multiplayer into a Meanie who forgets to be nice to their friends. Has this ever happened to you? Let us know in the comments below!

LEGO® Life

What do you love to chat about?

There are so many great ways to keep in touch with your friends online. Chatting is great fun – but when you like chatting as much as the Chatterbox, you have to make sure not to turn into an Oversharer who tells all their secrets! What do you like to talk to your friends about?

LEGO® Life

Meanies – and what to do with them!

Meanies can spoil the fun with nasty comments or even bullying online. If that happens to you, the best thing to do is to talk to a trusted adult who can help you decide whether you should block and report them. Have you ever met a Meanie online, and what did you do?

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Watch out for the Big-Eyed Monster!

The Big-Eyed Monster can be you after watching videos or playing games online for way too long. If you’re anything like the Chatterbox or the Multiplayer, you can easily turn into the Big-Eyed Monster after too many hours looking at a screen. What do you do when taking a break from screen time?

LEGO® Life

What makes you go full Giggler?

Watching silly videos and laughing out loud is a big part of what makes being online so much fun! Our friend the Giggler loves watching videos, playing games and having fun online. Sometimes even to the point where it’s difficult to stop watching. (Big-Eyed Monster alert!!) Sound familiar? What makes you laugh the most when you’re online?

LEGO® Life

How to spot a Chameleon online

Not everyone is who they say they are online… and it can be really tricky to tell if someone is who they say they are or pretending to be someone else. Here are some of the signs to watch out for. Someone you don’t know is being a bit too friendly very quickly   Someone is asking you to share personal information   Someone is asking you to meet offline   Someone is being friendly at first, but then turns around and is mean   If you are ever uncomfortable, you can always leave the conversation and talk to a trusted grown-up, and they can help you.

LEGO® Life

Safer Internet Day – What’s it all about?

What is Safer Internet Day, we hear you ask? Well, every year, on the second day of the second week of the second month, people all around the world get together to discuss how to make sure that the internet is a safe place where you can learn, have fun, connect with others, be creative and most importantly of all…be yourself! Which is why the main theme is… …drumroll… FREE TO BE ME! Because being yourself is pretty cool! When you’re online, do you feel… Free to be creative… …and experiment with how to represent yourself in any way you like, whether it’s almost like your real self…or a completely different version? Free to be different… …and express the things that make you special or unique? Free to feel safe… …by keeping your personal information safe online, even when you are expressing yourself? Free to expect respect… …and take positive action if someone is treating you or your friends unkindly online, or not respecting you for who you are? Free to ask for help… …and let trusted adults know if you feel worried, upset or confused about anything that you see online? #SaferInternetDay2020 #FreeToBeMe

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Capailah tingkat ahli dengan mengetahui fakta-fakta keamanan digital ini!

How do you make yourself and others feel included when you’re online?

Nobody likes feeling left out, in real life or online, right? It’s just not a nice feeling. So how do you make sure it doesn’t happen to yourself or anyone around you when you’re playing and interacting online? #SaferInternetDay2020 #FreeToBeMe

How would you rebuild the internet?

The internet…a huge playground for everyone to learn, play, connect to others and be creative. What’s not to like? It’s a huge space, where it can feel that everything is possible… But just as in real life…there are good things and there are…not so good things. Things that you might want to change. If you were president of the internet…how would you rebuild it to make it better? #SaferInternetDay2020 #FreeToBeMe

How do you stay safe online?

If you are out and about alone in real life, and interacting with people you don’t know, you have to be a bit careful and make sure you stay safe. It’s exactly the same online…your safety is important. Here are a few tips for staying safe online… #1 Keep Your Eyes Open Make sure you know the rules about how to behave and stay safe on the sites, games and apps you like to use. Find out how to block or report things that make you or other people feel bad or left out and always ask for help if there are things you’re not sure about. #2 Be Yourself, but don’t give away your details! Don’t tell people where you live or any other personal information about yourself or your friends and family and make sure you check with an adult before trying to sign up/download new games or apps. #3 Be Cool to Others Put yourself in the place of others…and think about how what you say and do online might make others feel. You want people to be respectful of you so it just makes sense that you are respectful too, right? Don’t share other people’s info or details. #4 Be Helpful If you see someone in real life who is struggling, would you help or walk away? You help, right? Same thing online…Be kind to others and support your friends if they are having a tough time. Show them how to block and report or go with them to talk to a parent or teacher. #5 Speak up If you are ever unsure about something you see online, or anything makes you feel worried, upset or confused, then ask a trusted adult for some help and advice. What other tips would you give to your friends about keeping safe online? #SaferInternetDay2020 #FreeToBeMe

Why it’s important to be safe online

Safety first! Just like in real life, you have to take a bit of care when you interact with others online. Here are some SMART tips for being safe online. Safe: Keep safe by being careful not to give out personal information when you’re chatting or posting online. Personal information includes your email address, phone number and password. Meet: Meeting someone you have only been in touch with online can be dangerous. Only do so with your parents’ or carers’ permission and even then, only when they can be present. Remember, online friends are still strangers even if you have been talking to them for a long time. Accepting: Accepting emails, messages, or opening files, images or texts from people you don’t know or trust can lead to problems – they may contain viruses or nasty messages! Reliable: Someone online might lie about who they are and information on the internet may not be true. Ask your parents to help you check information by looking them up in multiple places. Tell: Tell a parent, carer or a trusted adult if someone, or something, makes you feel uncomfortable or worried, or if you or someone you know is being bullied online. #SaferInternetDay2020 #FreeToBeMe

How to talk to your parent about your online identity

How you choose to express yourself online is part of what makes you…well, you! That’s the great thing about being online – you are FREE TO BE ME (or rather you ). No matter whether you choose to look like yourself or a dragon in your online identity, underneath it all, you can still act like yourself, and let others be themselves too! Why not show your parents how you choose to express yourself online and talk to them about it? #SaferInternetDay2020 #FreeToBeMe

How can we talk about identities being equal?

Equal rights online! One of the coolest things about the internet and being online is that you are free to just be yourself and express yourself, without worrying what people think. That’s the idea anyway…but we all have a responsibility to make sure that this happens by treating everyone equally, and with respect. What do you do when you meet someone online who is very different to you? #SaferInternetDay2020 #FreeToBeMe

LEGO® Life

Join the Free To Be Me Minifigure Party!

In support of Safer Internet Day we want to celebrate what makes you, uniquely you. So join in the party and tell us what #FreetoBeMe means to you? #SaferInternetDay

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