LEGO® Star Wars™
LEGO® Star Wars™ melepaskan Rebel dalam dirimu. Bangun galaksimu sendiri, adegan film atau acara TV favoritmu, atau bebas saja dan buat versimu sendiri!
Eksplorasi hal yang baru
LEGO® Star Wars™See what R2-D2 can do when you code it with the LEGO® BOOST Star Wars™ app – from decoding intergalactic messages to controlling the X-wing and going on exciting missions.
Tips & tricks to create a Brick Art minifigure face!
LEGO® Star Wars™1. Mix beige and white paint and spread it thickly on paper. 2. Use a palette or bread knife to mark the shape of the face. 3. Draw facial features with a pen. 4. Add darker shadows and finish with white highlights. 5. Sign your Brick Art masterpiece!
How to Get Started on Your First Brick Film
LEGO® Star Wars™It can be hard to know where to start when making your first stop motion Brick Film. In this video, Forrest Whaley talks about the importance of an animatic – or a sketch of what he is planning for his Brick Film. The first thing you want to do is decide on the story you want to tell. Then, you can make quick sketches of each scene you want to have in your film. Don’t forget to add in transition shots showing how you get from one shot to another. Watch this video to see how Forrest makes his animatics.
Luke Skywalker™
LEGO® Star Wars™Luke Skywalker™ is a powerful Jedi who trained under the Master Obi Wan Kenobi™ and Master Yoda™. Luke ended up defeating DarthVader™, his father, and in later years trained Rey in the ways of the Jedi’s. After training Rey, Luke became one with the force and vanished.
Jungle Battle Hi-jinx – LEGO® Star Wars™
LEGO® Star Wars™The Clone Wars might have had a slightly different outcome – if only the Clone Army had thought of THIS when they fought the evil Droid Army! Be inspired to tell your own LEGO® Star Wars™ stories – The greatest battles are built by you!
Tips & Tricks to make your Brick Art super-special!
LEGO® Star Wars™1. Squeeze out blobs of different color paints and spread them together using a palette knife (or small piece of cardboard) to create cool, streaky-colored backgrounds. 2. Try using a mixture of different materials like pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens, pastels, charcoal or chalk to create awesome images. 3. Recycle old bits of cloth, egg boxes, newspapers or other unwanted stuff and use them in imaginative ways to make your artwork totally unique.
Cara mengutak-atik pencahayaan
LEGO® Star Wars™Pencahayaan yang cerdas bisa membuat Brickphoto LEGO® Star Wars™ milikmu jadi super keren. Tonton video tutorial ini untuk mendapatkan banyak tips jitu tentang cara menyorot karakter jagoanmu, menambahkan sentuhan drama ke adegan, dan membantumu mengabadikan suasana cerita. Kamu pasti takjub dengan hasil yang bisa kamu dapat hanya dengan berbekal lampu meja dan kertas berwarna!
Sorotan LEGO® CON!
LEGO® Star Wars™Hai, teman-teman! Aku Bob. Wah, LEGO® CON keren banget, ya? Aku mendapat banyak pengalaman menyenangkan 😊! Banyak sekali set LEGO Star Wars™ baru super keren untuk dinantikan. Aku bukan perakit profesional, tetapi aku tidak sabar untuk merakit dan memainkan set itu! Apa saja momen LEGO CON favoritmu?
Cobalah Set LEGO® Star Wars™
Tonton video LEGO® Star Wars™
75177 – First Order Heavy Scout Walker™
LEGO® Star Wars™It’s a new kind of walker for a new galactic adventure! Check out the awesome features and functions of the First Order Heavy Scout Walker, under the command of the evil General Hux. Get ready to battle the Resistance in this vehicle straight from Star Wars: The Last Jedi!
Han Solo’s Landspeeder™ chased by Moloch’s Landspeeder™ | Product Animation | 75209 & 75210
LEGO® Star Wars™The hunt is on, but who has the fastest Landspeeder? It’s going to take all of Han Solo’s engineering skills to boost the Landspeeder and escape Moloch, Revolt and the Corellian Hounds.
LEGO® Star Wars™: This is how we play!
LEGO® Star Wars™Big shout out to all of you brilliant Brick Artists, Brick Filmmakers, Brick Photographers and Brickorama Experts! Keep playing with us and don’t forget to unlock your LEGO Star Wars Puzzle Box this Friday! Featured LEGO® Star Wars™ creators: AdmirableWinzar011 AmbitiousMorro024 Capture CleverToothpaste036 CreatorYoung011 EmperorTrainedSoup EmpressFitCamera FantabulousMinibeard032 HertogModderigeBallon KıdemliÖzelMaydanoz KollegeGesunderBulle KorpralTålmodigMejsel LordBancoFiero LordWizardy021 MajesticMartian042 MaskedBison047 MedievalMonkey046 NieszkodliwyBrygadierKrait PontosKanálÚr ReTormak020 SargentoAlbatrozDeterminado SeigneurBrainsteinPrécieux SenseiJellylikeTruck SleepyHippo049 SuperhumanDonkey032 SurprisingVardy048 WielkiPorucznikZiemniak WizardyPsyclone044 WydajnyImperatorBrainstein YoungestLuckySieve ЛейтенантЗвёздныйЛобстер
Product Animation – X-Wing Starfighter™ – 75218
LEGO® Star Wars™Witness Luke Skywalker™ and R2-D2™ fly into action in the all-star X-Wing Starfighter, moments before facing the dangerous trenches of the mighty Death Star™.
Lampu dan kamera sudah siap? Oke, saatnya kerahkan aksi Jedi!
LEGO® Star Wars™Ah, Padawan Muda, seru sekali Brick Film buatanmu itu! Apakah kamu akan terbang tinggi ke angkasa dalam aksi kejar-kejaran antargalaksi yang mendebarkan atau bertempur di tengah badai salju dengan Ahsoka? Tonton videonya, rasakan Force, dan rangkai cerita yang paling hebat.
Learn Why Snot Rocks
LEGO® Star Wars™It may sound funny, but SNOT is no joke. It stands for ‘Studs Not On Top’ and it’s a great way of building with LEGO® bricks! Building the SNOT way means angling your bricks in a way that brings landscapes to life. Check out this video where David Hall takes you through how he used SNOT to build his Brickorama, and for examples of how you can do it yourself!
Hadiah kejutan Luke
LEGO® Star Wars™Coba bayangkan: Luke Skywalker dengan santai masuk ke Throne Room Emperor dengan membawa hadiah untuk Darth Vader! Bisa kamu bayangkan?! Palpatine mungkin akan kesal, tetapi bagaimana dengan Vader? Akankah dia menerima hadiah itu, atau akankah dia terus melawan Luke sampai titik darah penghabisan? Ada begitu banyak kisah LEGO® Star Wars™ yang mengagumkan untuk diceritakan, apa pun bisa terjadi di galaksi yang sangat jauh–buat dan ceritakan kisahmu sendiri!
Potret Battle of Yavin buatanmu sendiri!
LEGO® Star Wars™Jedi, petualangan menantimu di Battle of Yavin. Bergabunglah dengan Rebel Alliance untuk berjuang melawan Empire dan hadirkan keseruannya lewat Brick Photo! Apakah kamu akan membuat ulang adegan terkenal atau membuat kisah kemenanganmu sendiri? Tonton videonya dan dapatkan inspirasi.
LEGO® Star Wars – INBOXING – General Grevious Combat Speeder – 75199
LEGO® Star Wars™General Grevious and Mace Windu battle each other with LEGO® bricks and lightsabers. Who will emerge?
LEGO® Star Wars™ | Yoda’s Hut | 75208 | Should Have Joined Forces
LEGO® Star Wars™It’s a quiet day training on Dagobah, when suddenly CRASH, Yoda’s hut has collapsed and R2-D2 is in trouble again! It’s up to Luke Skywalker and Yoda to drop everything and join forces to save the day.
X-wing vs TIE Fighter | Rayakan Musim
LEGO® Star Wars™Pertarungan sengit sedang berlangsung antara X-wing dan TIE Fighter! Ini adalah pertempuran klasik antara sisi terang dan sisi gelap–tetapi, benarkah? Setelah mereka bertabrakan, para pilot bisa berkreasi untuk merakit kembali kapal mereka, tetapi hal tidak terduga terjadi ...
Death Star™ Escape – LEGO® Star Wars™ – 75229 Product Video
LEGO® Star Wars™Luke Skywalker™ and Princess Leia™ took a wrong turn somewhere while trying to flee from the Death Star™ and now they’re trapped behind a sliding door! A Stormtrooper™ has spotted them – how can they make it across the bridge and escape now? There’s no time to think – just build and continue the story with the LEGO® Star Wars™ Death Star™ Escape play set and save the galaxy!