1. Sheep Freak
When Mateo’s comic creation, Z-Blob, follows him from a dream back to Brooklyn, Mateo and his sister realize the dream world is real, and in danger!
1. Sheep Freak
When Mateo’s comic creation, Z-Blob, follows him from a dream back to Brooklyn, Mateo and his sister realize the dream world is real, and in danger!
2. Memory Chasers
Determined to find their lost memories, the dream chasers go on the hunt to find the thief.
3. Sound of Sirens
When the Sandman and the Murky Realm disappear, things get seriously strange.
4. Sick Beats
Logan unleashes his sick beats on Dream Brooklyn and starts an EPIC dance party! Or so he thinks…
5. Heksekunst
Drømmejagerne sniker seg ut av Nocturniaslottet, på jakt etter minnene sine og Aldri-heksa.
6. Vill vest
Tid for R.E.M.-utfordringer! Drømmejagerne som vinner, får bli med i en spesialgruppe som skal kjempe mot Aldri-heksa.
7. Frykt og kjærlighet i Fantasiriket
For 18 år siden lette herr Oz’ første elever etter Vokterens spyd for å tilintetgjøre Marerittkongens sverd og ødelegge kreftene hans.
8. Slå klokka
Det er runde to av R.E.M.-utfordringene, og bare sju drømmejagere får gå videre til neste runde.
9. Vekk drømmeren
Mateo unnslipper så vidt klørne til Aldri-heksa, men ikke før hun rekker å lage en ond dobbeltgjenger av ham!
10. Da Teo ble to
Zoey og Mateo er fanget i Grimriket mens MadTeo deltar i den siste duellen. Men Izzie og Logan mistenker at noe er galt!
11. Adventures in Robot Sitting
Nova and Sneak must babysit a robot, but seriously, how much damage can a tiny robot do?
12. Personal Space Invaders
Astropedes, banana stun drones, and a giant angry ape?! No one needs THIS many booby traps!
13. Fistful of Doppelgangers
Mateo and Astrid go undercover to stop the Candy Realm receiving a sour surprise.
14. Irrational Treasure
Just follow the Spiral Key and find the Eye of Confusion. Simple, right? WRONG!
15. Mission Implausible
Mateo and Zoey ask the Gnorfs to help keep the Eye of Confusion away from the Never Witch.
16. Grim Vengeance
The dream chasers team up with the Grimspawn to stop the Grim Realm from being doom domed.
17. Crown Control
Welcome to Wildoria! It’s time to find the Crown of Control, hopefully King Claudius can help.
18. The Promised Crown Affair
The Beast Realm has been DOOM-DOMED...with Izzie STILL INSIDE! But she has a plan...
19. Now or Never Witch
The dream chasers are running out of time to stop the Never Witch’s master spell.
20. Never Forever
Double, bubble, dreams twisted & twirled, the Never Witch holds the entire dream world!