Bádatelia v kvantovej sfére


LEGO Super Heroes - 76109 Quantum Realm Explorers - Pilot the Quantum Vehicle with Ant-Man and team up with The Wasp to take on Ghost!
LEGO Super Heroes - 76109 Quantum Realm Explorers - Pilot the Quantum Vehicle with Ant-Man and team up with The Wasp to take on Ghost!
LEGO Super Heroes - 76109 Quantum Realm Explorers - Fire stud shooters from the Quantum Vehicle and use its grabbing arms.
LEGO Super Heroes - 76109 Quantum Realm Explorers - Adjust the engines of the Quantum Vehicle to launch, hover and fly.
LEGO Super Heroes - 76109 Quantum Realm Explorers - Open the cockpit of the Quantum Vehicle and place Ant Man in it.
LEGO Super Heroes - 76109 Quantum Realm Explorers - A grey minifigure shoots an icy blue stud shoot.
LEGO Super Heroes - 76109 Quantum Realm Explorers - Ant Man with his shrink gun and the Wasp team up as the Quantum Realm Explorers.


Spoj sa s LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes 76109 Bádateľmi v kvantovej sfére! Pilotuj kvantové vozidlo s Ant-Manom a zaútoč s Wasp na Ghost! Naštartuj motory, vznes sa a odleť. Zacieľ vystreľovače na kvantovom vozidle a Ant-Manovu zmenšovaciu pištoľ na Ghost. Pomôž hrdinom poraziť tohto hrôzostrašného nepriateľa!

Návod na stavanie

Návod na stavanie

76109 Ant Man

Návod na stavanie (1/1)7 MB

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