Gorski ubežniki


LEGO City Mountain Police - 60171 Mountain Fugitives - The mountain police chases the fugitives that try to escape with the help of a rocky terrain, a wild river and an active beehive.


S partnerjem v policijskem terenskem vozilu patruljirajta po gorah LEGO® City! Kaj je tam spredaj? Videti je, da lopovi izkopavajo zaklad izpod drevesa. Pospeši in jih preseneti. Hej, pridi nazaj! Vrzi verigo terenca čez deblo, da povlečeš lopova nazaj, medtem ko tvoj partner drugemu pomaga sneti čebelji panj z glave. Aua, to mora boleti!

Building Instructions

Building Instructions

60171 Mountain Fugitives

Building Instructions (1/1)6 MB