Andrejina predstava v parku


LEGO Friends Andrea's Park Performance - 41334 - Take center stage with Andrea for an afternoon of performances, starting with a puppet show! Help the dad and his baby sit down on the bench, press the piano keys at the back of the stage and watch pet bird Pepper put on a beautiful musical performance together with Andrea. After the show head to the hot dog stand for a snack.


Popoldne bo glavni oder v parku v Heartlake Cityju zasedla lutkovna predstava! Očka z dojenčkom posedi na klop, da si bosta ogledala igro. Nato pritiskaj klavirske tipke na zadnji strani odra, da se bodo lutke premikale! Ko bo predstave konec, zavrti oder in pomagaj Andrei in njeni ptici Poper izvesti čudovito glasbeno predstavo. Po predstavi stopi še do stojnice z vročimi hrenovkami na prigrizek.

Building Instructions

Building Instructions

41334 Andreas Park Performance

Building Instructions (1/1)10 MB