Nikoli-čarovničina môrasta bitja


The Never Witch's Nightmare Creatures
The Never Witch's Nightmare Creatures
The Never Witch's Nightmare Creatures
The Never Witch's Nightmare Creatures


Si pripravljen na spopad z Nikoli-čarovnico in môrastimi bitji? Njen krokar se je spustil z velike višine in Mateu ukradel spomin. V kotlu za môre ga je spremenila v njegovega zlobnega dvojnika MadTea! Katero zlobno bitje bo zdaj ustvarila? Kar tise odloči! Sestavi kulskega krokarja, nato pa ga predelaj v volka ali figuro DoomBlob.

Building Instructions

Building Instructions

71483 The Never Witch's Nightmare Creatures

If you’re looking for instructions for a brand-new set, it can take a few days for them to show up here.

No building instructions for this set.