Pustolovščine z interaktivno figuro LEGO® Mario™


71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario™
71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario™
71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario™
71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario™
71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario™
71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario™
71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario™
71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario™
71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario™
71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario™
71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario™


Sodeluj z LEGO® Mariom™ za interaktivno pustolovščino z zbiranjem kovancev! Začni pri Start Pipe in pozdravi Yoshija. Premagaj Goomba in skoči na ? Block, nato se spopadi z Bowserjem Jr. Zvrni ga s ploščadi in iz Clown avta Bowserja ml., potem pa se v avtu odpelji do Goal Pole!

Building Instructions

Building Instructions

71439 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Mario™

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