Pustolovščine z interaktivno figuro LEGO® Peach™


71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™
71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™
71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™
71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™
71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™
71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™
71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™
71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™
71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™
71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™
71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™
71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™


Pridruži se LEGO® Peach™ na pikniku. Kaj pa piše v pismu? Lakitu je ujel Yellow Toada! Lakita vrzi z oblaka in poleti na pomoč. Izvedi luping in obrate na oblaku za dodatne kovance! Premagaj Lava Bubble in Yellow Toada pripelji nazaj na piknik. Ampak pazi, Lakitu lahko uporabi oblak, da pripne stol Yellow Toada in za spet zapre!

Building Instructions

Building Instructions

71441 Adventures with Interactive LEGO® Peach™

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No building instructions for this set.