LEGO® Marvel

LEGO® Marvel characters are larger than life. Some are even out of this world. Build and play out your own heroic missions in any galaxy, anytime.

LEGO® Guardians of the Galaxy

LEGO® Guardians of the Galaxy

LEGO® Marvel™

Build the universe in you

LEGO® Marvel

LEGO® Marvel

LEGO® Marvel™

Build the universe in you

Explore what’s new

Ideas to inspire your creative building

LEGO® Marvel™

What happens when LEGO® master builders build their own universe? Check out the video to find out and get lots of great ideas to help you create your own universe.

Nova konstrukcijska figura Stotnik Amerika

LEGO® Marvel™

Dvigni se v spopad z novo konstrukcijsko figuro Stotnik Amerika! Velik gibčen supervojak razpre svoja krila in pomaha s ščitom, ko se spopade z vsemi, ki se mu postavijo na pot. Če potrebuje dodatno pomoč, izpusti dron Redwing s hrbta Stotnika Amerike.

War Machine

LEGO® Marvel™

Finally comfortable wearing the War Machine armor built by his best friend, Tony Stark, Rhodey will need his entire military arsenal to take on the threat looming in the cosmic shadows. Often a skeptic, he will have to place his trust in his fellow heroes.


LEGO® Marvel™

Raised in isolation, Mantis struggles with social interaction. Her time with the Guardians of the Galaxy, however, is changing that. With her empath powers and mood-revealing antennae, she’s breaking down barriers and letting her light shine bright!

Spopad Stotnika Amerike z Rdečim Hulkom

LEGO® Marvel™

Pridruži se Stotniku Amerika, Rdečemu Hulku, Sokolu in Ruth Netopirski-seraf v superkulski visokoleteči akciji s superjunaškim reaktivcem. Ruth Netopirski-seraf sedi v pilotski kabini in pilotira reaktivec v naslednjo dogodivščino. Stotnik Amerikain Sokol sta razprla krila in letita ob reaktivcu. Pošlji dron Redwing, da poišče malopridneže. Z 2 izstreljevalnikoma žebljičkov ti ne bo nič zastavilo poti!


5 things you didn’t know about Thanos

LEGO® Marvel™

Did you know: - Thanos is nicknamed ‘The Mad Titan’ - He is a genius of almost all known sciences, which makes him a worthy opponent for Tony Stark and Bruce Banner - He once used a helicopter as part of one of his evil plans to destroy the Avengers - Thanos has two adopted daughters, Nebula and Gamora, who have been raised to be loyal soldiers for his goals - He can absorb and project enormous quantities of cosmic energy

Združeni Maščevalci: Ultronova doba

LEGO® Marvel™

Sodeluj s Hawkeyem, Črno vdovo, Stotnikom Ameriko, Iron Manom, Thorom in Hulkom v epski akciji iz filma Marvel Studios Maščevalci: Ultronova doba! Z vojaki Hydre se spopadi v zasneženem gozdu. Hulku pomagaj, da zdrobi oboroženi bunker Hydre. Zajemi stražarski stolp Hydre in prodri skozi njihovo obrambo. Nato v terencu švigni stran in naslednji nalogi Maščevalcev nasproti!

We want your pic tips!

LEGO® Marvel™

A great photograph of a LEGO® model can capture a super hero flying and a battle scene exploding into action. Check out the video then share your photography tips in the comments below.

Adventni koledar Spider-Man 2024

LEGO® Marvel™

Začni praznike kot pravi superjunak z LEGO® Marvel Adventnim koledarjem LEGO® Spider-Man 2024. Vsak dan odpri ena vratca, da odkriješ, katero od Spider-Manovih presenečenj te čaka za njimi. Odkrij 5 minifigur, veliko minimodelov, kulske dodatke inneskončno zimsko zabavo iz Spider-Manovega sveta. Ko se bo približal veliki dan, boš lahko darila sestavil in poustvaril svoje najljubše prizore iz filmov, ali pa ustvaril čisto svoje dogodivščine Marvel.

New Spider-Man stickers have arrived

LEGO® Marvel™

With the launch of three new LEGO® Spider-Man products, we also had to make new Spider-Man stickers as well. Check out the brand-new stickers next time you comment on a picture.

LEGO® Guardians of the Galaxy

LEGO® Guardians of the Galaxy

LEGO® Marvel™

Build the universe in you

Meet your LEGO® Marvel™ heroes


LEGO® Marvel™

Raised in isolation, Mantis struggles with social interaction. Her time with the Guardians of the Galaxy, however, is changing that. With her empath powers and mood-revealing antennae, she’s breaking down barriers and letting her light shine bright!


LEGO® Marvel™

Loki, Prince of Asgard and master of mischief and deception, was raised in the shadow of his stronger and kinder brother Thor. Believing himself to be the rightful King, Loki honed his magical powers with the aim of using them to seize the throne. Determined to prove his worth and earn his father’s approval, Loki will stop at nothing to seize the crown and assert himself as the ruler of Asgard.


LEGO® Marvel™

As a member of the blue and purple-skinned Luphomoid race, Nebula’s life changed forever when Thanos killed her family and took her in as his daughter, grooming her to be a fierce galactic warrior. With the help of Kree warlord Ronan the Accuser, Nebula was trained alongside fellow disciples Gamora and Korath the Pursuer to become a Galaxy-Class Killer.


LEGO® Marvel™

Thor, the God of Thunder and son of Odin, King of Asgard, wields the mighty Mjolnir, harnessing its special powers in battle. Following reckless behavior, however, he was banished to Earth by his father. Here he learned humility and eventually regained his powers. Thor went on to become a founding member of the Avengers and used his strength and stamina to fight evil throughout the universe.


LEGO® Marvel™

Rocket, aka Subject 89P13, is a genetically and cybernetically enhanced criminal born from illegal experiments on Halfworld. Alongside Groot, his buddy and fellow bounty hunter, Rocket’s got a rap sheet with the Nova Corps including theft (13 counts), jailbreak (22 counts), mercenary work (7 counts) … and biting!


LEGO® Marvel™

From the age of 8, Peter Quill was trained as an intergalactic mercenary. Upon reaching adulthood, he set off solo with his trusty spaceship and his late mother’s mixtape of Earth pop music, rebranding himself as the infamous Star-Lord, a thief renowned throughout the galaxy – or so he thinks. While Peter is by no means dim-witted, his clever intellect often causes him more problems than it solves.


LEGO® Marvel™

Drax is a battle-hardened brawler with unparalleled power and mercilessness. A former intergalactic crook, he doesn’t care about wealth, only revenge for his slain kin – and opposing anyone who messes with the Guardians of the Galaxy. He wields dual knives, but isn’t shy about using the Hadron Enforcer, a weapon created using spare parts from the Milano spaceship.

Iron Man

LEGO® Marvel™

Genius inventor Tony Stark applied his technological expertise to create a suit of armor that gives the wearer superhuman strength and the ability to fly, shoot beams of energy and be impervious to injury. The suit is regularly upgraded with new capabilities, and there are a range of alternative suits – such as the Hulkbuster – that have been designed for specific challenges.

Black Widow

LEGO® Marvel™

Natasha Romanoff, aka the Black Widow, was forged into a lethal weapon in Russia’s notorious Red Room. A ruthless exponent of the martial arts and covert activities, she became a sought-after assassin. However, her loyalty shifted from the KGB to S.H.I.E.L.D., where she uses her abilities to fight for justice. With lightning-fast reflexes and a will of steel, the Black Widow strikes fear into the hearts of even her most fearsome foes.

Captain America

LEGO® Marvel™

Steve Rogers was given Super-Soldier serum when he enlisted in the US army during World War II. This gave him extraordinary strength, endurance, speed and athleticism. Dubbed Captain America and equipped with an indestructible shield, the superhuman hero fearlessly leads the battle against threats from this world and beyond. Today, he remains a symbol of liberty as an Avenger, still fighting for justice 75 years later.

Adam Warlock

LEGO® Marvel™

The golden-skinned Adam Warlock was genetically engineered to be perfect by the nefarious Enclave. With energy-based powers alone, he’s already a formidable force, but when he wields the Soul Stone, 1 of the 6 Infinity Stones, he becomes one of the universe’s most powerful warriors.

Check out LEGO® Marvel™ sets

Maščevalci - helinosilec

LEGO® Marvel™

Vzemi si čas za svet Marvel Studios Maščevalci in Maščevalci: Ultronova doba z izjemno podrobnim modelom ikonskega helinosilca Maščevalcev. S 509 kosi, pristnimi podrobnostmi in trdno podlago je ta zbirateljska reprodukcija načrtovana z mislijo na odrasle ljubitelje in ustvari za oko privlačen razstavni model za dom ali pisarno.

Thor proti konstrukcijski figuri Surtur

LEGO® Marvel™

Thor se reši okovov in se spopade s Surturjem. Ko Thor uporabi kladivo, da bi se spopadel z velikanom, nanj dežujejo plameni. Bo Thor premagal ognjenega demona in si pridobil krono z rogovi? V plameneči bitki leži njegova usoda v tvojih rokah!

Thanosov robotski oklep

LEGO® Marvel™

Thanosa posedi v pilotsko kabino robotskega oklepa, da bo najmočnejši zlobnež v vesolju še bolj osupljiv! S premičnimi rokami, nogami in prsti, še posebej pa z dvoreznim mečem, rokavico neskončnosti in kamni neskončnosti, bo Thanos v robotskem oklepu popolnoma neustavljiv!

Ščit Stotnika Amerike

LEGO® Marvel™

Ščit Stotnika Amerike je eden najbolj prepoznavnih predmetov iz kinematografskega sveta Marvel. Zdaj lahko poustvariš izraziti simbol spopada dobrega in zla. 3.128-delni ploščati model ima premer 47 cm in stoji na stojalu z napisno ploščico. Za še večji interes za razstavni kos je priložena minifigura Stotnika Amerike.

Venomiziran Groot

LEGO® Marvel™

Sestavi čisto svojega pol-venomiziranega Groota – potem pa ga še bolj venomiziraj, kocko za kocko! Kako zelo dolg jezik, ostre zobe in strašljive lovke boš dodal superljubkemu Grootu, je samo tvoja odločitev. S premičnimi rokami, nogami, boki in glavo je venomizirani Groot vedno pripravljen na akcijo in dogodivščine!

Plešoči Groot

LEGO® Marvel™

Če ima Groot kaj raje od reševanja galaksije, je to ples! Obrni ročico na rastlini in njegove veje bodo zanihale in zaplesale, kot da je v gozdni diskoteki. Lahko ga okrasiš z dodatnimi listi in mu natakneš kulske slušalke in očala. Plešoči Groot se tako zabava, da boš hotel zaplesati tudi ti!

Iron Man in Iron Legion proti vojaku Hydre

LEGO® Marvel™

Pridruži se Iron Manu in Iron Legion v epski bitki v bazi Hydre. Vojak Hydre stoji na vrtljivih tleh baze, v vsaki roki ima izstreljevalnik žebljičkov, prihajajoče junake pa z 2 stolpov postojanke spremljata tudi 2 raketometa. Tvoja naloga? Premagati obrambo in voditi Iron Mana in Legion zmagi nasproti!

Maščevalci proti Leviatanu

LEGO® Marvel™

Nad mestom sta se pojavila Loki in Chitauri v leviatanskem 'zračnem kitu'! Maščevalci so za akcijo: Stotnik Amerika je vzel ščit, Črna vdova izstreljevalnik žebljičkov, Hulk pa se je čisto zares razjezil! A celo Hulkova neverjetna moč morda ne bo zadoščala, da bi zaustavili Leviatana s 6 premičnimi plavutmi, gobcem, ki se odpre, glavo, ki se premika, in dvema izstreljevalnikoma žebljičkov.

Glavni štab za predenje pajčevin ekipe Spidey

LEGO® Marvel™

Pomagaj Spideyu, Spinu, Ghost-Spider in Iron Manu sestaviti glavni štab za predenje pajčevin. A ne dovoli, da Zola pokvari zabavo, ko se prikaže v svojem ogromnem robotskem oklepu. Iron Mana lahko zgrabi v svoje ogromne roke. Spin skoči nad robotski oklep z veliko pajčevino, da bo pomagal prijatelju. Ghost-Spider je vzletela z jadralno vrtavko in je vrgla rožnato pajčevino čez Zolovega robotskega pomočnika! Akcija s Spideyjevo ekipo za otroke, stare 4+.

Zbirka sage Neskončnost

LEGO® Marvel™

Adventni koledar Maščevalci

LEGO® Marvel™

Začni praznovanje s 24 darilci Marvel Maščevalci! Vsak dan odpri nova vrata LEGO® Marvel adventnega koledarja Maščevalci, da odkriješ presenečenje. Tu je 7 minifigur, veliko minimodelov in kulskih dodatkov, ki temeljijo na filmu Marvel Maščevalci. Ko se bo približal veliki dan, boš lahko darila združil in poustvaril svoje najljubše prizore iz filmov Marvel, ali pa ustvaril čisto svoje dogodivščine.


X-Men: X-Dvorec

LEGO® Marvel™

Sestavljiv model Xavierjevega inštituta za visokošolsko učenje, X-Dvorec, je poln pristnih podrobnosti in ikonskih Marvelovih likov. Vsebuje več kot 3.000 kosov in je 40 cm širok. Zadovoljujoč projekt za odrasle ljubitelje X-Menov bo poskrbel za privlačen razstavni predmet za dom ali pisarno.

Play LEGO® Marvel™ games

Guardians of the Galaxy

LEGO® Marvel™

Join the Guardians of the Galaxy on a mission through space. Play as Star Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Gamora, Drax, and unlock the ability to play as Groot, as they retrieve the treasures and equipment they need to uncloak the evil Ronan and save the galaxy.

Watch LEGO® Marvel™ videos

Build the action!

LEGO® Marvel™

Your favorite Super Heroes have been captured mid-action! Check out the ‘frozen moments’ video, packed with great scenes to build, play and display – then use your LEGO® bricks to bring the action to life.

Avengers pre-roll 30 sec compilation

LEGO® Marvel™

Epic action with the Iron Monger mech

LEGO® Marvel™

Join Iron Man and Pepper Potts as they battle the Iron Monger mech with evil Obadiah Stane at the controls. With movable limbs, a 6-stud shooter on its right arm, a 3-stud shooter on its left arm and a glow-in-the-dark arc reactor in its chest, you’ll need all your Super Hero skills to defeat this mega mech!

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - 76114 Spider Man's Spider Crawler

LEGO® Marvel™

What does your universe look like?

LEGO® Marvel™

When you build, play and display with LEGO® bricks, you create a universe that is totally your own. Check out the video and see how LEGO fans work as a team, protect friends and explore together. Then, journey into your imagination – and build the universe in you.