Airina zračna ladja in lov na amulet


LEGO Elves - 41186 Azari & the Goblin Forest Escape - The Goblin has spotted Emily Jones with her amulet on Aira’s airship and swoops in with the goblin glider to steal the amulet.


Poleti na drzno iskalno nalogo v Elvendalu! Goblin Dukelin je zagledal Emily Jones z amuletom na Airini zračni ladji, zato se je nadnjo spustil z goblinskim jadralnim letalom. O, ne, Dukelin je ukradel amulet in zdaj beži! Uporabi Airine zračne moči, da ladjo narediš superhitro, in ujemi goblina, preden amulet preda goblinskemu kralju!

Building Instructions

Building Instructions

41184 Airas Airship and the Amulet Chase

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