LEGO® Star Wars™

LEGO® Star Wars™ brings out the Rebel in you. Build your own galaxy, your favorite scenes from the movie or TV shows, or break all rules and make your own!

Get creative with LEGO® Star Wars™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Watch fun LEGO® Star Wars™ videos

LEGO® Star Wars™

Explore what’s new

75286 General Grievous's Starfighter

LEGO® Star Wars™

Napadalna ladja razreda Acclamator™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Iz LEGO® kock sestavi prvi model napadalne ladje razreda Acclamator™, kakršno smo videli v seriji Vojna zvezd: Napad klonov™. Poustvari pristne podrobnosti zvezdne ladje, ki je prevažala legije klonskih bojevnikov v bitko na Geonosisu. Svojo stvaritev postavi na stojalo in jo razstavi samostojno ali z drugimi iz kock sestavljenimi zbirateljskimi modeli (v prodaji ločeno) iz zbirke LEGO Vojna zvezd™ zvezdne ladje.

LEGO® Life


LEGO® Star Wars™

You can create a whole new world ANYWHERE! This amazing Mandalorian battle scene was created with kitchen tools and food! Can you see where the kitchen stops and the battle starts?

Escape from Starkiller Base - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story

LEGO® Star Wars™

How great would it be if Finn turned up to help, right when Rey was battling Kylo Ren™ to get away from Starkiller Base? But is it enough to bring snowballs to a lightsaber fight? Be inspired to tell your own LEGO® Star Wars™ stories - The greatest battles are built by you!

Ahsokin jedijevski prestreznik™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Predstavljaj si, da poletiš v akcijo Vojna zvezd: Vojna klonov™ z Ahsoko Tano! Sedi v pilotsko kabino Ahsokinega osupljivega jedijevskega prestreznika. R7-A7™ posedi na njegovo mesto in vzleti. Prilagodi krila za način napada. Vzmetne izstreljevalnike nameri v sovražne zvezdne lovce. Gladko pristani, nato pa se poveži z Anakinom Skywalkerjem™ v epskih spopadih s svetlobnimi meči™!

Get ready to create festive Brick Art!

LEGO® Star Wars™

Over the past few months, you’ve discovered new Brick Art techniques to bring your LEGO® Star Wars™ scenes to life. By using everything from paints and crayons to old bits of cloth and egg cartons, you have learned how to create amazing visual effects to enhance your builds. Now apply all your Brick Art skills this festive season and play with us!

Yoda™ and Luke in Cloud City™ - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story

LEGO® Star Wars™

What if Yoda™ had said “Come with you, I will”, when Luke went to rescue his friends in Cloud City™? Could they have rescued Han Solo™ from the Stormtroopers, Boba Fett™, and even Darth Vader™? Be inspired to tell your own LEGO® Star Wars™ stories - The greatest battles are built by you!

Mandojev in Grogujev N-1 zvezdni lovec™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Z Mandojem in Grogujem v kulskem zvezdnem lovcu N-1 odleti v akcijo! Na postaji v rezervoar natoči gorivo. Z Mandalorcem sedi v pilotsko kabino, pomagaj Groguju na sopotniški sedež in odleti na naslednjo nalogo! Z Grogujevim lebdilnim vozičkom in Mandalorčevim raketnim nahrbtnikom razišči druge planete. Sodeluj z R5-D4 in sovražni napad odbij z Mandovim temnim mečem. Noro dobro!

LEGO® Life


LEGO® Star Wars™

Innovative backgrounds can show off just how massive your galaxy is! How amazing is this action scene photo taken in a living room?!​

Snap your own Battle of Yavin!

LEGO® Star Wars™

Jedi, an adventure awaits at the Battle of Yavin. Join the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the Empire and bring it to life through your Brick Photos! Will you recreate iconic scenes or create your own tale of triumph? Watch the video and be inspired.

ARC-170 Starfighter™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Odleti v bitko z zvezdnim lovcem ARC-170 Starfighter™ iz filma Vojna zvezd: Maščevanje Sitha™. Ko so v pilotski kabini klonski pilot Odd Ball, klonski pilot Jag in klonski pilot, si pripravljen na vzlet. Aktiviraj krila za način napada in v sovražnike nameri vzmetne izstreljevalnike. Prihodnost galaksije je v tvojih rokah!

Get festive with your Brick Film skills!

LEGO® Star Wars™

Over the past few months, we’ve introduced you to Brick Film techniques to make your LEGO® Star Wars™ stories even more awesome. As the holiday season approaches, apply your newly learned skills to create the ultimate festive LEGO® Star Wars ™ Brick Film and play with us!

Rebuild the Galaxy like never before

LEGO® Star Wars™

Check out LEGO® Star Wars™ sets

Vkrcanje na Tantive IV™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Uprizori prevzem Tantive IV z Darthom Vaderjem iz filma Vojna zvezd: Novo upanje. Razstreli vrata in naj se spopad z laserskimi pištolami med nevihtnimi jurišniki Dartha Vaderja in vojaki uporniške flote kapitana Antillesa začne! Kdo bo tokrat zmagal? Kar ti se odloči! Ko je izid bitke odločen, razstavi iz kock sestavljeno prizorišče skupaj s posebno minifiguro LEGO® Vojna zvezd™ IK komandosa Fivesa, izdano ob 25. obletnici.

Grogu™ z lebdilnim vozičkom

LEGO® Star Wars™

Pokaži svoje navdušenje nad Grogujem! Obrni gumbe, da premakneš Grogujeve roke ter mu nastavi glavo in ušesa. Žabo Sorgan (njegov najljubši prigrizek), gumb za premikanje ali piškot mu položi v roke in ga razstavi v lebdilnem vozičku ali zunaj njega. Ploščico z informacijami z LEGO® figuro Grogu v standardni velikosti postavi v mali, iz kock sestavljeni lebdilni voziček, da dokončaš ljubki namizni okras.

Onyx Cinder

LEGO® Star Wars™

Naj se začnejo dogodivščine Vojna zvezd: Skeleton Crew! Pridruži se članom posadke. Tu so Jod, Wim, Fern, KB in Neel na krovu zvezdne ladje Oynx Cinder, ki načrtujejo naslednjo nalogo. Njihove baterijske svetilke in drug tovor pospravi v tovorni prostor in vzleti v vesolje. Uravnaj motorje, da bodo leteli kolikor mogoče hitro in z izstreljevalniki žebljičkov nameri v sovražne zvezdne ladje. Nato si privošči malo sadja ali pred pristankom zadremaj na postelji.

Republiška napadalna križarka razreda Venator

LEGO® Star Wars™

Sestavi in postavi na ogled različico republiške napadalne križarke razreda Venator iz zbirateljske serije. Ujemi vse pristne podrobnosti, na primer poveljniški most in hangar, v katerem je republiška topnjača. Postavi LEGO® minifiguri stotnika Rexa in admirala Yularena na vgrajeno stojalo. Informacijska ploščica in kocka ob 20. obletnici Vojne klonov dopolnjujeta resnično veličasten namizni okras.

Puščavski Skif™ in Sarlaccovo brezno

LEGO® Star Wars™

Podoživi dramatični pobeg Luka Skywalkerja iz Sarlaccovega brezna v filmu Vojna zvezd: Jedijeva vrnitev. Sprehodi se po deski puščavskega skifa in skoči v spopad s svetlobnimi meči. Chewbacci in Hanu Solu pomagaj rešiti Landa Calrissiana™, preden ga Sarlacc zgrabi in požre! Boba Fetta pošlji, da se brez nadzora zavrti z raketnim nahrbtnikom! V kompletu je tudi minifigura Nien Nunb ob 25. obletnici LEGO® Vojna zvezd™!

Invisible Hand™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Vkrcaj se na ustvarjalno nalogo in iz LEGO® kock sestavi model zvezdne ladje Invisible Hand iz filma Vojna zvezd: Maščevanje Sitha. Sestavi hangar, v katerem sta pristala Anakin Skywalker in Obi-Wan Kenobi v zvezdnih lovcih, in druge avtentične podrobnosti. Zvezdno ladjo postavi na stojalo z napisno ploščico in LEGO kocko Vojna zvezd™, izdano ob 25. obletnici, da dopolniš svojo ustvarjalno pot.

Crimson Firehawk™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Sodeluj z Nash Durango™, Nubsom in RJ-83 iz Vojne zvezd: Pustolovščine mladega jedija! Uporabi Nashin viličasti ključ, da pripraviš Crimson Firehawka na vzlet k naslednji nalogi. Sedi v pilotsko kabino in odleti na drugi planet. Pri pristanku razloži dirkalnik z zvezdne ladje in začni raziskovati. Morda boš našel celo skriti zaklad!

Ambush on Mandalore™ Battle Pack

Zaseda na Mandaloru™ Bojni paket

LEGO® Star Wars™

Na Mandaloru se lahko udeležiš spopadov med letenjem z raketnim nahrbtnikom! Patruljiraj po votlini z mandalorsko Nočno sovo in mandalorskim bojevnikom. Ampak pazi! Imperialni komandosi so pripravljeni v zasedi, opremljeni so z raketnimi nahrbtniki in oboroženi z laserskimi pištolami in topom za izstreljevanje žebljičkov. Uporabi mandalorsko lasersko orožje in raketne nahrbtnike, da se obraniš napada. Kdo bo zmagal? Vse je odvisno od tebe!

Zvezdna križarka Home One

LEGO® Star Wars™

Obvladaj zapleten konstrukcijski projekt zvezdne križarke Home One, kakršno smo videli v filmu Vojna zvezd: Jedijeva vrnitev™. Med sestavljanjem poveljniške ladje uporniške alianse podoživi epsko bitko. Razstavi svoj zbirateljski, iz kock sestavljeni model na stojalu, tako da ob njem 'leti' bolnišnična fregata Nebulon-B, nato pa odstrani bočno stranico ladjeHome One, da si ogledaš podrobnosti interierja.

Zvezdni lovec jedija Boba

LEGO® Star Wars™

Sodeluj z legendarnim jedijem Bobom, ki se je prvič pojavil v kompletu LEGO® Vojna zvezd™ leta 2002 in je spet v akciji v specialni epizodi LEGO Vojna zvezd: Rebuild the Galaxy na Disney+! Poleti v dogodivščine v njegovem osupljivem zvezdnem lovcu. Ustreli z vzmetnimi izstreljevalniki in se s sovražniki spopadi s svetlobnim mečem. Ko bo tvoja naloga dokončana, si privošči modro mleko in banano, da proslaviš!

Svetlobni meč Luka Skywalkerja™

LEGO® Star Wars™


LEGO® Star Wars™

Izkaži spoštovanje liku iz Vojne zvezd™ z iz kock sestavljenim razstavnim modelom Chewbacce v ikonski pozi. Ujemi vse Chewiejeve lastnosti v LEGO® slogu in ga opremi s samostrelom in čezramnim nabojnikom. Postavi ga ob informacijsko ploščico in LEGO minifiguro Chewbacce s samostrelom za izstreljevanje žebljičkov za izjemen namizni okras.

Watch LEGO® Star Wars™ videos

Death Star™ Costume Party Escape - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story

LEGO® Star Wars™

Luke Skywalker™ and Princess Leia™ may have found the perfect plan to escape from the Death Star™: Hiding in plain sight at a Stormtrooper off-duty costume party! But can they pull it off? Be inspired to tell your own LEGO® Star Wars™ stories - The greatest battles are built by you!

A Deadly Death Star™ Eclipse – LEGO® Star Wars™

LEGO® Star Wars™

We all know Luke Skywalker™ was responsible for blowing up the Death Star™ in his X-wing Starfighter™. But could he have used another weapon? Be inspired to tell your own LEGO® Star Wars™ stories – The greatest battles are built by you!

Lights, camera, Jedi action!

LEGO® Star Wars™

Ah, young padawan, exciting Brick Films you make! Will you soar through the galaxy in a thrilling galactic chase or battle in blizzards with Ahsoka? Watch the video, embrace the Force, and see what stories you can create.

How to Build a Background

LEGO® Star Wars™

One really cool way to add depth, light and movement into your Brick Film is to use a projection in the background. In this video, Forrest Whaley teaches you about a rear screen projection and how he uses animation and a projector to make his backgrounds move. You can do this in your own home by using a computer, tv or tablet screen in the background!

Cookie Bribe - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story

LEGO® Star Wars™

Everyone knows that you catch more flies with honey – so what if C-3PO™ tried out the old “we have cookies for you” trick? Surely, Stormtroopers™ would know better than to be bribed with treats… right? Be inspired to tell your own LEGO® Star Wars™ stories - The greatest battles are built by you!

floating child

The Child Floating Display

LEGO® Star Wars™

Check this inspiration display of the the Child. How would display your build of the Child? Comment below or share your build to inspire other LEGO® Lifers.

LEGO Star Wars Freeze Frame Video

Freeze Frame

LEGO® Star Wars™

Check out the best videos of the past with LEGO® Time Machine! Boba Fett is after Luke Skywalker and Han Solo! Can they use the Force to escape the Carbonite Freeze Chamber?

LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens Buildable Figures

LEGO® Star Wars™

Check out the best videos of the past with LEGO® Time Machine! There has been an awakening. Join the battle with the LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Buildable Figures.

LEGO® Star Wars™ | Who’s Your CoPilot? – Jawas, just Jawas

LEGO® Star Wars™

Han Solo is ready for take-off, but something’s wrong. Why won’t the Millennium Falcon start? Perhaps his new copilot isn’t as trustworthy as he should be. Never trust a Jawa.

Build The Mandalorian™ universe

LEGO® Star Wars™

Young padawan, are you ready to journey into a galaxy of creativity? Team up with The Mandalorian™, unleash the Force and create captivating Brickoramas deep in the ancient Mines of Mandalore. Check out the video for some epic inspiration!

LEGO® Life

Try a hand-drawn Hunter™

LEGO® Star Wars™

Try your skills at drawing a speedy scene from The Bad Batch™ featuring Hunter™. Get a good look at your hoverbike and minifigure, then start drawing! First you will want to draw everything down in pencil. Pay attention to any details. For this base layer it’s OK to make mistakes! Also, fill in the surrounding page with things like motion lines and dust to make it look like your bike is speeding! Next, outline everything in a thin black marker and then the outer-most line with a thicker black marker. When it comes to color, be sure to use different hues to build shadows and highlights in your drawing. It’s those details that really bring it to life. To make your bike hover, add a hoverbike-shaped shadow below your drawing. The darker the shadow, the lower it looks to the ground. Finally, push those highlights with a white paint pen or colored pencil.