![LEGO® Super Mario™](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/catalog/assets/blt75c2b88a59d14de5/1/AID2305712P4GL_SuperMario_Legodotcom_Theme_Banner_Wide_2275x732.jpg?quality=80&format=webply&disable=upscale&width=2560)
LEGO® Super Mario™
Bring your favorite character into the real world with LEGO® Super Mario™ playsets!
Enter Donkey Kong’s tree house!
LEGO® Super Mario™From its buildable TV and radio, to its hammock, or even its secret compartment… there’s so much to explore in this tree house!
Explore what’s new
Igrišče za Goombe
LEGO® Super Mario™Pridruži se zabavi na igrišču za Goombe s kompletom LEGO® Super Mario™. Pritisni vzvod, da bo Goomba skočil iz drevesnega debla. Z Goombami se igraj na prevesni gugalnici. 3 Goombe sestavi v Goomba-stolp. Na igrišče lahko pripelješ tudi LEGO® Maria™, LEGO® Luigi™ ali LEGO® Peach™ (figure niso priložene) za interaktivno tekmovanje v lovljenju ravnotežja na prevesni gugalnici!
Cool LEGO® Super Mario™ course!
LEGO® Super Mario™With LEGO® Super Mario™, there are endless ways that you can rebuild and combine characters, action bricks and other elements to create your own unique courses! Take a look at LEGO Life user ChefSeriousMelon – they’ve used all their creativity to imagine this cool course – where Cat Mario has found himself in the middle of a tricky situation in Bowser’s Castle, surrounded by a Goomba, Dry Bones, Bowser and a whole lotta lava! Great work, ChefSeriousMelon, we salute you!
Paket z močjo Maria pingvina
LEGO® Super Mario™Dobi še opreme in še več zabave z LEGO® Super Mario™ kompletom za nadgradnjo za moči Maria pingvina! Svoji figuri LEGO® Mario™ (ni priložena) nadeni kostum pingvina in opazuj, kako se bo odzival na stopnje, ki si jih sestavil. Ko ima LEGO Mario oblečen ta kostum, lahko dobiš več kovancev, če se bo zadrsal po trebuhu!
![LEGO® Life](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/catalog/assets/blt7ab1445432717651/1/06_LEAF_LL_Article_6_Summer_holiday-.jpg?quality=80&format=webply&disable=upscale&width=2560)
LEGO® Mario™ vacation zone!
LEGO® Super Mario™WARNING! This is STRICTLY a good vibe zone. LEGO Mario’s House & Yoshi Expansion Set comes with everything LEGO® Mario™ needs to catch a break – like a totally comfy hammock so you can rock him to sleep – he’ll even close his eyes and show ‘zzz’ on his belly – so Yoshi knows not to wake him up! How about you? Do you prefer to relax on your vacation, or do you prefer a little more action and adventure?
71401 Luigi’s Mansion™ Haunt-and-Seek Expansion Set
LEGO® Super Mario™Welcome to Luigi’s Mansion™! Use the rotating hallway to explore the rooms.
Razširitveni komplet grajski spopad s suhim Bowserjem
LEGO® Super Mario™Lahko rešiš vijolično krastačo z gradu? Poišči skrivni vhod ... a pazi se Magmaargha! Premagaj koščeno cvetlično pirajo in koščenega Goomba. Splazi se mimo telovadnice, v kateri trenira Suhi Bowser. Ugotovi, kako odpreti grajski vhod in nato razkrij blok s ključem. Uporabi žerjav, da rešiš vijolično krastačo in prekucneš Suhega Bowserja! Pograbi ključ, razkrij skrivno sobo za strategije in odpri skrinjo z zakladom!
![LEGO® Life](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/catalog/assets/blt43eb241fca3a2557/1/April_LSM_Article_LEGO_Mario_purple_poison_mystery_mainimage_2256x1269.jpg?quality=80&format=webply&disable=upscale&width=2560)
LEGO® Mario™ purple poison mystery!
LEGO® Super Mario™LEGO® Mario™ is on an adventure! But it’s not long before he meets one of his enemies. See if you can use the clues below to work out who it is... As LEGO Mario gets closer – he sees the enemy! It’s standing in a purple, Poison Swamp, uh-oh! He’ll need to use the raft to cross... To defeat it, he’ll need to do something special. This enemy is twice as long as some of the others! Jumping on a platform, LEGO Mario wiggles from side to side and begins shaking his enemy! Finally, he slams down on top of it. The enemy is defeated! A nearby bridge unfurls... Did you work out which enemy LEGO Mario was facing? Comment with your guess and tag a friend who might know the answer! Don’t forget to check out the LEGO® Super Mario™ Adventure Zone for more cool ideas!
![LEGO® Life](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/catalog/assets/blt54f7299ba34a9fcb/1/LEGO_Super_Mario_DesignerVideo_April_2HY21_1m51s_70410_Thumbnail.jpg?quality=80&format=webply&disable=upscale&width=2560)
VIDEO: LEGO® Mario™ hide & seek!
LEGO® Super Mario™Sound the alarm! It’s NEW VIDEO TIME in the LEGO® Super Mario™ Adventure Zone! This month LEGO designers Ben and Amy have been exploring the theme of ‘adventure’. Their cool adventure idea? Build an epic hide-and-seek course, featuring their favorite enemies! Will Ben be able to find the Wiggler in time? What cool hiding spots did Amy find for the characters? You DO NOT want to miss this one, so check it out and be sure to tag your friends so you can share ideas for your own LEGO Super Mario Adventure!
Spopad z Royem na Peachinem™ gradu
LEGO® Super Mario™Odpri vrata v Peachin™ čudoviti grad! Sedi na prestol ali za klavir. S Toadom se srečaj na vrtu. Ustreli s katapultom, da boš grad obranil pred napadom Roya in Chain Chompa! Sodeluj z liki LEGO® Mario™, LEGO® Luigi™ ali LEGO® Peach™ (figure niso priložene) in poskusi obvladati Chain Chompa. Poišči blok s kovancem in blok s superzvezdico, da boš dobil čim več kovancev!
Team up to triumph!
LEGO® Super Mario™Imagine you are faced with a LEGO® Super Mario™ level packed with enemies! How are you going to defeat them all? A good way is to team up with a friend, connect LEGO® Mario™ to LEGO® Luigi™ or LEGO® Peach™ and work together to defeat these enemies. Build a level where 2 interactive characters can team up to solve a challenge and share it with us! Disclaimer: Multiple sets shown. Each set sold separately, available for different periods of time. The Adventures with Mario Starter Course (71360), featuring the LEGO® Mario™ figure, or the Adventures with Luigi Starter Course (71387), featuring the LEGO® Luigi™ figure, or the Adventures with Peach Starter Course (71403), featuring the LEGO® Peach™ figure, is needed for the full play experience.
Check out LEGO® Super Mario™ sets
Cvetlična piraja
LEGO® Super Mario™Poustvari cvetlično pirajo iz sveta Super Mario™ v LEGO® slogu! Sestavi sovražnico, ki 'rase' iz cevi, premikaj ji glavo, usta in liste, da jo postaviš v znane poze. Zabavni model bo kulski na razstavi doma ali v pisarni. Oh, poglej, priloženi so tudi elementi kovancev. "Zakaj pa jih potrebujem?" sprašuješ. Sestavi cvetlično pirajo in ugotovi!
Super Mario World™: Mario in Yoshi
LEGO® Super Mario™Sestavi svojo naklonjenost za 2 lika Super Mario™ in izrazi spoštovanje animacijskim učinkom Super Mario sveta™ z igrivim razstavnim modelom. Obrni ročico, da bo Yoshi stekel z Mariom na hrbtu. Zavrti gumb, da bo Yoshi iz ust pomolil jezik. Za interaktivno izkušnjo lahko dodaš tudi figure LEGO® Mario™, LEGO® Luigi™ ali LEGO® Peach™ (niso priložene).
Razširitveni komplet Larryjev in Mortonov letalnik
LEGO® Super Mario™Pripravljeni na napad z zračnimi ladjami! Postavi figuro LEGO® Mario™, LEGO® Luigi™ ali LEGO® Peach™ (figure niso priložene) v pilotsko kabino letalnikov Larryja Koopa in Mortona Koopa. Izstreli se visoko v zrak za navidezno bitko s topovi. Lahko tudi odpreš Mortonovo zračno ladjo, da ustvariš bojno polje na nivoju LEGO® Super Mario™. Premagaj Mortona, Larryja in Goomba, da dobiš še več kovancev!
Pustolovščine z interaktivno figuro LEGO® Mario™
LEGO® Super Mario™Sodeluj z LEGO® Mariom™ za interaktivno pustolovščino z zbiranjem kovancev! Začni pri Start Pipe in pozdravi Yoshija. Premagaj Goomba in skoči na ? Block, nato se spopadi z Bowserjem Jr. Zvrni ga s ploščadi in iz Clown avta Bowserja ml., potem pa se v avtu odpelji do Goal Pole!
Mario Kart™ – Donkey Kong in DK Jumbo
LEGO® Super Mario™Začni čudovito pustolovščino vožnje Mario Kart™ z Donkey Kongom! Vozi in driftaj v njegovem gokartu DK Jumbo. Izstreljuj školjke na tarčo, da odstreliš banano. Namesti figuro LEGO® Mario™, LEGO® Luigi™ ali LEGO® Peach™ (figure niso priložene) na voznikov sedež in sproži zvoke igre in vizualne učinke Donkey Kong™ ter druge kul zvoke Mario Kart!
Razširitveni komplet Snežna pustolovščina družine penguin
LEGO® Super Mario™Pridruži se pingvinu in malemu pingvinčku v čarobni zasneženi dogodivščini! Skupaj se zabavajte v votlini … ampak pazi se tistega Goomba. Zadrsaj se po ledenem toboganu, potem pa tobogan spremeni v drsališče. Če želiš interaktivno digitalno dogodivščino, pomagaj likom LEGO® Mario™, LEGO® Luigi™ ali LEGO® Peach™ (figure niso priložene), da bodo malega pingvinčka pripeljali spet k pingvinu!
Paket z močjo Maria Tanookija
LEGO® Super Mario™Izboljšaj svoje resnične pustolovščine LEGO® Super Mario™ s kompletom za nadgradnjo za moči Maria Tanookija! Svoji figuri LEGO® Mario™ (ni priložena) nadeni kostum in opazuj njegove edinstvene odzive. Ko ima Mario oblečen ta kostum, lahko dobiš več kovancev, če se bo zavrtel, preden bo skočil na sovražnike! To je fantastičen način za še več zabave s stopnjami LEGO Super Mario™, ki jih ustvariš!
Pustolovščine z interaktivno figuro LEGO® Peach™
LEGO® Super Mario™Pridruži se LEGO® Peach™ na pikniku. Kaj pa piše v pismu? Lakitu je ujel Yellow Toada! Lakita vrzi z oblaka in poleti na pomoč. Izvedi luping in obrate na oblaku za dodatne kovance! Premagaj Lava Bubble in Yellow Toada pripelji nazaj na piknik. Ampak pazi, Lakitu lahko uporabi oblak, da pripne stol Yellow Toada in za spet zapre!
Bowserjev ekspresni vlak
LEGO® Super Mario™Prihaja Bowserjev ekspresni vlak! Poženi drezino in ga ujemi. Premagaj par Para-Biddybudsov in pripni drezino na zadnji konec vlaka. Skoči na vlak in premagaj Hammer Broja in Goombe. Skoči na lokomotivo, zaustavi Bum Bumov napad in vse skupaj razstreli z vlaka s topom! Pridobi moč bloka s superzvezdico in odpelji vlak na postajo!
Mario Kart™ – Toad's garage
LEGO® Super Mario™Pridruži se Blue Toads (Pit Crew) v avtomehanični delavnici in pripravi gokart B Dasher za dirke! Gokart sestavi tako, kot želiš. Zamenjaj pnevmatike, pritrdi hupo in motor, uporabi orodje in komuniciraj z voki-tokijem. Povabi LEGO® Mario™,® LEGO Luigi™ ali LEGO® Peach™ (figure niso vključene) v garažo, da izbereš zvoke hupe in motorja iz strojev za prilagoditve in voziš avto!
Mario Kart™ – Baby Peach in Grand Prix
LEGO® Super Mario™Prilagodi svojo lastno stezo Mario Kart™ in dirkaj do zmage! Združi se z Baby Peach v njenem gokartu Wild Wiggler, Lemmyjem v gokartu Landship ali Toad na standardnem kolesu. Driftaj mimo prometnih stožcev in izstreljuj školjke. Navijaj za tekmovalce iz Lakitujevega oblaka. Ali pa vozi vozila z LEGO® Mariom™, LEGO® Luigijem™ ali LEGO® Peach™ (figure niso vključene) za digitalno igro!
Paket z močjo Maria čebele
LEGO® Super Mario™Poleti v akcijo z Mariovim paketom z močjo čebele! Razburljivemu novemu igralnemu nivoju LEGO® Super Mario™, ki si ga pravkar sestavil, dodaj še zelene kocke za travo in kocke z rožami. Svojega LEGO® Maria™ (figura ni priložena) obleci v kostum čebele. Nato vzleti in odbrrrrrenči po nebu, da boš zbral vse dodatne kovance!
Watch LEGO® Super Mario™ videos
![Shy Guy Thumbnail](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/catalog/assets/blt1614e9e4d1174cc4/1/71366_shy_guy_thumbnail.jpg?quality=80&format=webply&disable=upscale&width=2560)
Let’s go bananas!
LEGO® Super Mario™Check out this video and jump into the wild side with LEGO® Mario™ and LEGO® Luigi™. See them fly, ride mine carts and more in search for bananas in the Donkey Kong™ universe! Let’s play!
![LEGO® Life](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/catalog/assets/blt00b501c6a4bf23f2/1/LEGO_LSM_LIFE_Designer_Videos_1HY21_Trailer.jpg?quality=80&format=webply&disable=upscale&width=2560)
Welcome to the LEGO® Super Mario™ Adventure Zone!
LEGO® Super Mario™Calling all LEGO® Super Mario™ fans – boy, have we got a TREAT for you! We’ve just launched the LEGO Super Mario Adventure Zone – the home of awesome videos, ideas, tips and tricks that will help take your play to the next level! Each month we’ll have a different theme, giving you expert advice on how to: Get the most digital coins Get the best out of your Starter Course Customize and rebuild your levels Play LEGO Super Mario with friends And heaps more! Like it? Love it? Tag your friends and let them know that the LEGO Super Mario Adventure Zone is HERE!
![LEGO® Life](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/catalog/assets/bltd89f85553814724a/1/LEGO_LSM_LIFE_Designer_Videos_1HY21_March.jpg?quality=80&format=webply&disable=upscale&width=2560)
New LEGO® Super Mario™ video alert!
LEGO® Super Mario™Hey LEGO® Super Mario™ fans, it’s our favorite time of the month, where we release a BRAND NEW video for the LEGO Super Mario Adventure Zone! This month we challenged Ben and Amy to show us how much fun you can have when you share the LEGO Super Mario adventure with a friend. We don’t wanna give too much away, so let’s just say they didn’t disappoint us with their hilarious and creative idea! Don’t take our word for it, though, go watch the video yourself, and be sure to share this article with your fellow LEGO Super Mario fans, and tag any friends who NEED to see this... Lets-a-go!
![Fire Thumbnail](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/catalog/assets/blt97d350ab71bc5b1d/1/71369_fire_thumbnail.jpg?quality=80&format=webply&disable=upscale&width=2560)
![Bombs Thumbnail](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/catalog/assets/bltef9829a84acd8c96/1/71366_bombs_thumbnail.jpg?quality=80&format=webply&disable=upscale&width=2560)
![Slider Thumbnail](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/catalog/assets/bltb680f0a78505bd1f/1/71368_slider_thumbnail.jpg?quality=80&format=webply&disable=upscale&width=2560)
![LEGO Super Mario Primary Image](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/catalog/assets/blt10c4c7a86e5bf9e3/1/App_Primary_Image_CardImage.jpg?quality=80&format=webply&disable=upscale&width=2560)
LEGO® Super Mario™
It’s the official LEGO® Super Mario™ app! Explore your sets, get 3D building instructions + tutorial videos, improve your skills, build new levels and share them!