LEGO® Super Mario™ coin collecting tips!
One of the best things about LEGO® Super Mario™ is trying to collect as many digital coins as you can! In the LEGO Super Mario Adventure Zone, we love trying to find all the new, cool ways to win digital coins and beat our high score. Here’s a few we’ve found so far!
Use the Super Star! This Action Brick pauses time and helps you defeat tricky enemies quickly, giving you a chance to go on a digital coin-collecting spree!
Use the Special Pipe: Dash 30 from the Master Your Adventure Maker set! This yellow Special Pipe: Dash 30 gives you a shorter amount of time to complete your level, but extra digital coins for performing flips and defeating enemies!
Collect a mushroom, but... save it until just before the finish for a coin bonus!
Take on a challenge! Skillful challenges like sliding, cloud and rotator platforms offer lots of digital coins in return. The longer you stay on, the greater the rewards...
Don’t forget to walk! Flipping, sliding and stomping might be more adventurous, but taking LEGO® Mario™ for a little walk is a surprisingly good way to collect digital coins.
Flip on to the finish flag platform! Perform a somersault to finish your course and collect a bonus.
Use your time wisely! Finishing in at the last second means you maximize your playing time AND rewards you with a digital coin bonus.
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