LEGO® Harry Potter™
Keep your wand and imagination ready, you never know what kind of creative magic you’ll meet in the magical world of LEGO® Harry Potter™
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LEGO® Harry Potter™在霍格沃茨™决斗俱乐部,与哈利·波特™一起探索如何使用魔法击败敌人!向西弗勒斯·斯内普和吉德罗·洛哈特教授学习魔法技能。在战斗平台上挑战德拉科·马尔福。使用你的魔杖施展魔法,击倒你的对手!这款趣味十足的玩具套装还包含 14 幅具有收藏价值的霍格沃茨肖像画中的 1 幅,可供展示在壁炉上方。
Who is Hermione Granger™?
LEGO® Harry Potter™Hermione is known for being a clever and hard-working Hogwarts™ student. When she and her best friends Harry and Ron are in a tricky situation, she usually knows exactly what spell will get them out of trouble. But sometimes things go wrong, even for Hermione – like the time she accidentally added a cat hair to her Polyjuice Potion™!
Make every day magical!
LEGO® Harry Potter™A tap of your wand, a whisper of a spell, and a swish and flick! There are many little ways you can make your day more magical. If you look carefully, there’s evidence of charms, spells and wizardry all around us… Do you see? Explore your LEGO® Harry Potter™ cauldron of wonders and share how you make each day magic and memorable in the comments below! ✨🪄🧙
LEGO® Harry Potter™抓紧了,乘坐海格的飞行摩托前往陋居!借助这款细节丰富的模型,表演精彩的《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》场景,并创造属于你自己的故事。让半巨人海格驾驶这辆摩托车,将哈利·波特放在跨斗里,把猫头鹰海德薇放在后面。或者将你的魔法作品作为乐高®哈利·波特系列拼搭套装的一部分进行展示!
Bringing the magic back to Hogwarts™
LEGO® Harry Potter™We hope you had a great time returning to Hogwarts™. As a LEGO® Harry Potter™ fan, you don’t have to be at Hogwarts to enjoy magical adventures. Wherever you are, the magic is YOU.
Hogwarts™ Great Hall – LEGO® HARRY POTTER™ – 75954 Product Animation
LEGO® Harry Potter™Visit the heart of Hogwarts™ Great Hall. Enjoy a feast, get sorted into your House, and visit with your magical friends. Just make sure none of the professors catch you flying around on a broom.
LEGO® Harry Potter™同哈利·波特™一起坐在灯柱旁,但要小心:大脚板就潜伏在附近!恰好,骑士巴士到了,这是陷于困境的女巫或巫师的紧急交通工具!让斯坦·桑帕克帮你拿起行李箱,然后登上这辆三层的巴士。尽量不要吵醒沉睡的女巫,找一张空床,然后紧紧抓住汽车,司机尔尼·普兰准备在街道上飞驰了!
The Triwizard Tournament
LEGO® Harry Potter™Wands at the ready as the best witches and wizards from the best wizarding schools prepare to compete! It’s a test of intelligence, ability and courage…have you got what it takes to battle the Hungarian Horntail and win the cup?
Voldemort™: 5 fun facts!
LEGO® Harry Potter™As Rubeus Hagrid™ once told Harry Potter™: “Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad.” And no one went badder than Voldemort™! Here’s 5 fun facts about the Dark Wizard who Harry had to face in an epic final battle at Hogwarts™. • He was born in 1926 and given the same name as his father, Tom Riddle. • Voldemort is able to use other people’s wands as well as he can his own. • The only living creature Voldemort shows love for is his pet snake, Nagini. • Albus Dumbledore™ said Voldemort was the most brilliant student ever to attend Hogwarts. • Because he is so evil, Voldemort cannot cast the Patronus charm.
Check out LEGO® Harry Potter™ sets
LEGO® Harry Potter™与罗恩·韦斯莱和哈利·波特一起乘坐韦斯莱家的福特安格利亚飞车,前往霍格沃茨™!将魔杖与手提箱和罗恩的宠物老鼠斑斑一起放到后备箱中。不必担心,在这辆汽车的后面还为哈利雪鸮海德薇™留了空间!然后,让罗恩坐在驾驶座上,哈利坐在他的旁边,启动汽车升空,开启你的魔法之旅!
LEGO® Harry Potter™在霍格沃茨™城堡,与赫敏·格兰杰和罗恩·韦斯莱一起听引人入胜的魔咒课!观看弗立维教授演示羽加迪姆 勒维奥萨(悬浮咒)。按照黑板上的说明进行操作,然后尝试自己完善咒语。你能让那根羽毛漂浮起来吗?
LEGO® Harry Potter™与罗恩·韦斯莱和赫敏·格兰杰一起进入禁林,这里到处是神奇的动物!那是鹰头马巴克比克,在那边树旁边的是一匹小夜骐。还可以欣赏夜光蜘蛛和蘑菇,要当心在这座魔法森林中飞来飞去的康沃尔郡小精灵——它可能会只抓住你的耳朵,把你扔到树顶!
LEGO® Harry Potter™捕捉海德薇的奇妙个性和优雅的动作,这只著名的猫头鹰源自《哈利·波特》系列电影。这款积木拼搭版模型包含 630 块积木颗粒,展示了飞翔中的海德薇,它正在向哈利递送霍格沃茨魔法学校的入学邀请函,海德薇的翼展为 34 厘米(13 英寸)。完成富有挑战性和成就感的拼搭任务后,可以转动模型后部手柄,铰接式翅膀会随之优雅地上下扇动。
LEGO® Harry Potter™与哈利·波特、德拉科·马尔福和纳威·隆巴顿一起上魁地奇球赛课和变形课!练习骑扫帚飞行......但尽量不要像纳威一样失去控制!或者从麦格教授的办公室观看飞行课程。然后,在变形课上学习如何将动物变成水杯,并从奖杯陈列室中寻找 14 幅具有收藏价值的霍格沃茨™肖像画中的 2 幅!
LEGO® Harry Potter™将这款陋居添加到你的乐高®哈利·波特系列标志性魔法世界地点中。通过特殊技术捕捉韦斯莱之家摇摇晃晃的样子。可以打开这款趣味十足的展示模型,查看逼真的细节和神奇的特征。欣赏壁炉、厨房中神奇的洗碗功能等,其中壁炉带有飞路网功能,可让小人仔“消失”!
LEGO® Harry Potter™使用大尺寸的哈利·波特和赫敏·格兰杰积木拼搭模型展开壮观的霍格沃茨行动。可以拼搭高达 26 厘米(10 英寸)的大人偶,然后移动哈利和赫敏的手臂、腿部,放上魔杖,让他们摆出很酷的姿势。把这些神奇的模型展示在房间中效果一定非常棒!
LEGO® Harry Potter™与哈利·波特、纳威·隆巴顿、赫敏·格兰杰和迪安·托马斯一起首次前往霍格沃茨™。可以与 4 位新学员及哈利的宠物猫头鹰海德薇™和纳威宠物蟾蜍莱福一起乘船渡过黑湖,停泊在船屋,麦格教授正在这里等候着他们。等一下!蟾蜍莱福去哪里了?在船屋周围找找他!
2023 年圣诞倒数日历
LEGO® Harry Potter™玩乐这款霍格莫德村主题的 2023 年乐高®哈利·波特圣诞倒数日历,拼搭对圣诞节的激动之情。可以找到相关的迷你模型,重现三把扫帚酒吧、猪头酒吧、佐科笑话店和蜂蜜公爵糖果店的标志性细节和功能。还可以发现身穿冬季服饰的有趣角色,对趣味十足的霍格莫德村场景进行角色扮演。每扇小门后面都有神奇的惊喜!
LEGO® Harry Potter™与哈利·波特、赫敏·格兰杰和罗恩·韦斯莱一起意外探访海格小屋。在屋外的狗舍中认识鲁伯·海格的宠物牙牙。进入小屋,会发现海格正在他的大号椅子上休息。海格的龙蛋放在桌子上,即将孵化。但谁在窗外监视着海格、哈利和他的朋友们呢?
LEGO® Harry Potter™拼搭有史以来第一款家养小精灵多比™乐高®积木人偶,重温神奇的《哈利·波特》场景!可将多比拼放在带名牌的展示台上,然后倾斜他的头,让他那双大眼睛仰望着你。可以调整他的手臂和手指,以便他拿起汤姆·里德尔的日记及塞在里面的哈利·波特的袜子,还可以让佩妮姑妈的布丁蛋糕“漂浮”起来。大家都会喜欢上这款带有魔法气息的模型!
Watch LEGO® Harry Potter™ videos
Hogwarts™ Yule Ball – Discover your Hogwarts
LEGO® Harry Potter™The Yule Ball is underway, and Harry Potter™ and Ron Weasley™ need to make a quick decision about who to ask for the next dance… Discover your Hogwarts™ and enjoy the evening!
Hungarian Horntail Challenge – Discover your Hogwarts™
LEGO® Harry Potter™Watch Harry Potter™ as he bravely takes on the fire-breathing Hungarian Horntail Dragon as the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. Can he outwit this dangerous beast and retrieve the golden egg? Discover your Hogwarts™ and find out! Go Harry!
The Gringotts Adventure
LEGO® Harry Potter™Harry, Ron and Hermione have to break into one of the most secure places in the Wizarding World: Gringotts Bank. There, they hope to find the Cup of Helga Hufflepuff, yet another Horcrux they need to destroy in order to defeat Voldemort. Jump in for the ride of your life as we take a minecart into the depths of Gringotts – grifting goblins, dodging dragons and fighting to survive.
Repotting the Mandrakes
LEGO® Harry Potter™The Mandrakes need repotting.Are you ready? Pull!
Expecto Patronum – Discover your Hogwarts™
LEGO® Harry Potter™A powerful charm that will save you from harm! Can Harry Potter’s amazing stag Patronus help him save Sirius Black™ from the evil Dementors™? Discover your Hogwarts™ as you find out!
Buckbeak´s Rescue – Discover your Hogwarts™
LEGO® Harry Potter™Buckbeak™ is in danger! Discover your Hogwarts™ while Harry Potter™, Hermione Granger™ and Ron Weasley™ use their wits and skills to foil the executioner and rescue the proud Hippogriff.
Unlock the magic inside your Hogwarts™ trunk!
LEGO® Harry Potter™Add some cool stickers to personalize your Hogwarts™ trunk, then turn the key to unlock the magical fun! Build famous minifigures from the Harry Potter™ movies, create your own Sorting Ceremony, gather for a feast in the Great Hall and join in the fun in the Common Room. When the action’s over, pack up your trunk ready for your next visit to the Wizarding World™.
The Battle of Hogwarts
LEGO® Harry Potter™It’s all come to this. Relive the Battle of Hogwarts as you’ve never seen it before: in a LEGO® filled fight of good versus evil. Harry and his friends give their all in the fight to save the school from Voldemort and his team of Dark Wizards and Death Eaters.