

76998 Knuckles and the Master Emerald Shrine
76998 Knuckles and the Master Emerald Shrine
76998 Knuckles and the Master Emerald Shrine


帮助艾咪和纳克在天使岛的王者翡翠神殿守卫混沌翡翠。可以锻炼身体,收获葡萄,或者在神殿下方的纳克住处休息。嘿,那是什么?这是一个 Eggrobo——快保护神殿!用弹射器向 Badnik 发射葡萄,以分散其对混沌翡翠的注意力,然后与纳克一起发出强力一击并营救皮奇。

Building Instructions

Building Instructions

76998 Knuckles and the Master Emerald Shrine

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