LEGO® Star Wars™
LEGO® Star Wars™ brings out the Rebel in you. Build your own galaxy, your favorite scenes from the movie or TV shows, or break all rules and make your own!
Explore what’s new
LEGO® Star Wars™想象一下,与阿索卡·塔诺一起展开《星球大战:克隆人战争》行动!进入阿索卡令人惊叹的绝地拦截机的驾驶舱,让 R7-A7 就位并起飞。调整机翼,变成攻击模式。把弹簧发射器对准敌方星际战斗机。平稳着陆,然后与阿纳金·天行者一起投入史诗般的光剑战斗!
Time for festive Brick Photos!
LEGO® Star Wars™We’ve introduced you to all sorts of cool Brick Photo techniques over the past few months. You’ve discovered tips and tricks to get creative with lighting and backgrounds to make your LEGO® Star Wars™ scenes look super-dramatic. Now it’s time to use everything you’ve learned and play with us this festive season!
“This is my face”
LEGO® Star Wars™Think painting the iconic Boba Fett™ will be too difficult? Think again!
LEGO® Star Wars™负责一个复杂的拼搭项目,重现家园一号星际巡洋舰,就像在《星球大战:绝地归来》中看到的那样。拼搭义军联盟舰队的旗舰,重温史诗般的恩多战役场景。将你具有收藏价值的积木模型展示在展示台上,让一艘尼布隆-B 级医疗舰在它的旁边“飞行”。可以拆下家园一号的侧面部分,查看其内部细节。
LEGO® Star Wars™We love the details in this Bo-Katan Kryze™ minifigure illustration. The colors, the Gauntlet Starfighter™ and the heroes – this truly is the way.
The Child Floating Display
LEGO® Star Wars™Check this inspiration display of the the Child. How would display your build of the Child? Comment below or share your build to inspire other LEGO® Lifers.
LEGO® Star Wars™表达你对古古的喜爱之情!转动拨盘,操控古古的手臂,并调整他头部和耳朵的姿势。将索尔根蛙(他最喜欢的零食!)、变速旋钮或饼干放在他的手中,并把他展示在悬浮式婴儿车内部或外部。再添加上信息牌和坐在积木拼搭的小型悬浮式婴儿车中的古古乐高®人偶(标准尺寸),可构成一件可爱的中心饰品。
Discover Ahsoka’s epic new quest!
LEGO® Star Wars™The Empire has fallen, but new threats are rising in the new Star Wars: Ahsoka series. Former Jedi Ahsoka embarks on an epic quest to uncover a secret that could change the fate of the galaxy. We can’t wait to see how heroes like Ahsoka, General Hera Syndulla, and their allies will face the growing threat of the fearsome Grand Admiral Thrawn!
LEGO® Star Wars™激发你的创造力,拼搭星球大战™世界中最具标志性的星际飞船:汉·索罗的千年隼号。捕捉它在 《星球大战:新希望》中出现时可瞬间识别的细节。以动态角度将这款千年隼号星际飞船放置在展示架上,再添加上名牌和特别版乐高®星球大战 25 周年庆积木,可构成一件精美的中心饰品。
Presenting this week’s All-Star Decorator: Trooper Edition
LEGO® Star Wars™Congratulations to CuocoBrainsteinGiovane, who decorated a trooper type into a true symbol of fear! Thanks to everyone for your awesome creations. Come back for more challenges!
Check out LEGO® Star Wars™ sets
LEGO® Star Wars™与具有传奇色彩的绝地武士鲍勃合作,他于 2002 年首次出现在乐高®星球大战™套装中,并在迪士尼 + 动画特辑《乐高星球大战:重建银河系》中重返屏幕!驾驶他超酷的星际战斗机,开启你的冒险之旅。发射弹簧发射器,并使用他的光剑与敌人作战。当你的任务完成时,可通过喝蓝奶和吃香蕉来庆祝!
ARC-170 星际战斗机
LEGO® Star Wars™驾驶这架源自《星球大战:西斯的复仇》的 ARC-170 星际战斗机投入战斗。让克隆人飞行员怪球、克隆人飞行员詹戈和克隆人飞行员进入驾驶舱,你就可以起飞了。调整机翼,进入攻击模式,并使用弹簧发射器瞄准敌人。银河系的未来就掌握在你的手中!
LEGO® Star Wars™与阿索卡·塔诺和埃兹拉·布里杰一起投入《星球大战:阿索卡》 第 1 季中的精彩战斗,与索龙元帅的军队展开大对决。使用阿索卡和埃兹拉的光剑,在战斗平台上展开行动。当心摩根·埃尔斯贝思的塔尔津之刃和暗夜冲锋队员的爆能枪。与埃兹拉一起跳下平台。当索龙元帅返回另一个星系时,要么取得胜利,要么被他甩在后面!
R2-D2 机器人
LEGO® Star Wars™玩乐这款趣味十足的拼搭模型,把这个来自星球大战™世界的深受喜爱的机器人带回家。可以转动 R2-D2 的头部,当需要移动时,为他拼搭上第 3 条支腿。还可以为他拼搭上标志性的雷达和系列工具。可将你的作品与 R2-D2 信息牌、R2-D2 乐高®玩偶和特别版乐高星球大战 25 周年庆小人仔达斯·马拉克(配有展示台)一起展示。
LEGO® Star Wars™借助这款乐高®星球大战™立体模型,拼搭塔图因星球上莫斯埃斯帕飞梭大赛的动态快照。捕捉阿纳金·天行者飞速穿过拱形峡谷 (Arch Canyon),追逐他的对手塞布巴。可以拼搭上带有奎刚·金建议(“记住,专注于这个时刻。感受它,不要多想。相信你的直觉。”)的信息板,再添加上乐高星球大战 25 周年庆积木,构成一件充满怀旧气息的中心饰品。
LEGO® Star Wars™轰!乐高®星球大战™宇宙爆炸了,好人变成了坏人,这就是你从未见过的千年隼 !这款黑暗千年隼仍然拥有你所熟悉和喜爱的所有酷炫功能,但达斯·加加、赏金猎人 C-3PO、达斯·戴夫和达斯·蕾伊都在飞船上,并准备制造麻烦。你会帮助绝地武士维达阻止他们吗?或者只是同沙滩装卢克一起喝蓝奶?!
BARC 飞行摩托大逃亡
LEGO® Star Wars™帮助凯勒兰·贝克和格洛古躲过 66 号指令的清洗!2 名 501 军团克隆人士兵留下他们的 BARC 飞行摩托,无人看管。趁他们不注意时,把悬浮式婴儿车中的格洛古放入跨斗,然后跳进驾驶舱,驾驶飞行摩托疾速穿过科洛桑的街道。在你前往完全地带的路途中,使用这辆飞行摩托的双凸粒发射器和凯勒兰·贝克的光剑击退敌人!
LEGO® Star Wars™拼搭有史以来第一款欢呼者级攻击舰乐高®积木模型,就像在《星球大战:克隆人的进攻》中看到的那样。重现这艘将克隆人军团运送到吉奥诺西斯战役的星际飞船的逼真细节。将你的作品放置在展示台上,既适合单独展示,也可与乐高星球大战星际飞船系列的其它积木模型(单独出售)一起展示。
LEGO® Star Wars™借助这艘标志性坦地夫四号星际飞船的乐高®积木模型,拼搭出你的专注力,你的激情,以及你在观看《星球大战:新希望》开场一幕时的兴奋感。重现其 11 部强大发动机的外观及许多其它的逼真功能。将这款拼搭模型放置在展示架上,然后再添加上名牌和乐高星球大战™ 25 周年庆积木,完成你的创造任务。
LEGO® Star Wars™身穿黑暗士兵盔甲的吉迪恩总督和皇家禁卫军正在攻击曼达洛人的地下基地!关上重型装甲门,帮助帕兹·维兹拉抵挡他们。用他的重型爆能枪和可以发射凸粒的旋转式炮塔瞄准入侵者。但要小心总督吉迪恩借助喷气背包展开飞行攻击!勇敢但势单力薄的帕兹·维兹拉能转危为安吗?
LEGO® Star Wars™玩乐这款百变创意机器人套装,拼搭属于自己的 R2-D2、小铁 (C1-10P)、QT-KT 和 R5-J2!使用牛仔帽、小胡子、蝶形领结、喷气助推器等配件,将机器人打扮成以前从未见过的样子。你甚至可以交换腿部和头部,创造属于你自己的独特机器人!本套装还包含乐高®星球大战™ 25 周年纪念小人仔年轻的莱娅公主和她的机器人 L0-LA59。
曼达洛人和古古的 N-1 型星际战斗机
LEGO® Star Wars™驾驶曼达洛人和古古超酷的 N-1 型星际战斗机投入行动!将燃料放到加油站的油箱中。与曼达洛人一起跳进驾驶舱,并帮助古古进入他的乘客空间,准备执行任务!通过古古的悬浮式婴儿车和曼达洛人的喷气背包探索其它星球。使用曼达洛人的暗剑与 R5-D4 一起抵御敌人。太棒了!
Watch LEGO® Star Wars™ videos
Han Sol-UhOh! – LEGO® Star Wars™
LEGO® Star Wars™Remember when Boba Fett™ left Cloud City™ with Han Solo™ trapped in carbonite in Star Wars Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back? Let’s see if there was any way our hero rebels could have saved Han! Be inspired to tell your own LEGO® Star Wars™ stories – The greatest battles are built by you!
Build The Mandalorian™ universe
LEGO® Star Wars™Young padawan, are you ready to journey into a galaxy of creativity? Team up with The Mandalorian™, unleash the Force and create captivating Brickoramas deep in the ancient Mines of Mandalore. Check out the video for some epic inspiration!
Yoda™ and Luke in Cloud City™ - LEGO® Star Wars™ Battle Story
LEGO® Star Wars™What if Yoda™ had said “Come with you, I will”, when Luke went to rescue his friends in Cloud City™? Could they have rescued Han Solo™ from the Stormtroopers, Boba Fett™, and even Darth Vader™? Be inspired to tell your own LEGO® Star Wars™ stories - The greatest battles are built by you!
Freeze Frame
LEGO® Star Wars™Check out the best videos of the past with LEGO® Time Machine! Boba Fett is after Luke Skywalker and Han Solo! Can they use the Force to escape the Carbonite Freeze Chamber?
How to Create Flight
LEGO® Star Wars™Want to make a Speeder fly? Bring big action to life using transparent bricks! In this video, David Hall takes you through all of the pieces and techniques he uses to make his ships appear to be flying in his Brickorama. What can you make fly in your Brickorama? Give it a try!
The DARK FALCON | Celebrate the Season
LEGO® Star Wars™Will Jedi Bob’s Starfighter be fast enough to outrun the DARK FALCON? He and his padawan are trying to flee from Darth Rey but it looks like a close call! They might need some help from familiar friends to pull off this daring escape...
LEGO® Star Wars™: This is how we play!
LEGO® Star Wars™Big shout out to all of you brilliant Brick Artists, Brick Filmmakers, Brick Photographers and Brickorama Experts! Keep playing with us and don’t forget to unlock your LEGO Star Wars Puzzle Box this Friday! Featured LEGO® Star Wars™ creators: AdmirableWinzar011 AmbitiousMorro024 Capture CleverToothpaste036 CreatorYoung011 EmperorTrainedSoup EmpressFitCamera FantabulousMinibeard032 HertogModderigeBallon KıdemliÖzelMaydanoz KollegeGesunderBulle KorpralTålmodigMejsel LordBancoFiero LordWizardy021 MajesticMartian042 MaskedBison047 MedievalMonkey046 NieszkodliwyBrygadierKrait PontosKanálÚr ReTormak020 SargentoAlbatrozDeterminado SeigneurBrainsteinPrécieux SenseiJellylikeTruck SleepyHippo049 SuperhumanDonkey032 SurprisingVardy048 WielkiPorucznikZiemniak WizardyPsyclone044 WydajnyImperatorBrainstein YoungestLuckySieve ЛейтенантЗвёздныйЛобстер
LEGO® Star Wars™ – 25 Years | Celebrate the Season
LEGO® Star Wars™Celebrate 25 years of LEGO® Star Wars™ with your favorite characters from across the galaxy.
First Order AT-ST
LEGO® Star Wars™Surprise Captain Phasma and the First Order with their own partially built AT-ST Walker. Spin the gun turret around, blast your shooters – help Finn, Rose and BB-8 make their escape. May the Force be with you!
Try a hand-drawn Hunter™
LEGO® Star Wars™Try your skills at drawing a speedy scene from The Bad Batch™ featuring Hunter™. Get a good look at your hoverbike and minifigure, then start drawing! First you will want to draw everything down in pencil. Pay attention to any details. For this base layer it’s OK to make mistakes! Also, fill in the surrounding page with things like motion lines and dust to make it look like your bike is speeding! Next, outline everything in a thin black marker and then the outer-most line with a thicker black marker. When it comes to color, be sure to use different hues to build shadows and highlights in your drawing. It’s those details that really bring it to life. To make your bike hover, add a hoverbike-shaped shadow below your drawing. The darker the shadow, the lower it looks to the ground. Finally, push those highlights with a white paint pen or colored pencil.