騎士巴士™ 大冒險
霍格華茲™ 城堡:符咒學
海格™ 和哈利的摩托車之旅
Hungarian Horntail Triwizard Challenge
Hogwarts™ Great Hall
Forbidden Forest: Magical Creatures
Diagon Alley™: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes™
Gryffindor™ House Banner
Hogwarts™ Whomping Willow™
12 Grimmauld Place
霍格華茲™ 城堡:決鬥社
The Ministry of Magic™
霍格華玆: 消失的密室
Aragog's Lair
The Shrieking Shack & Whomping Willow™
Hogwarts™ Castle
Hogwarts™ Castle Owlery
Hogwarts™ Castle Boathouse
4 Privet Drive
Beauxbatons' Carriage: Arrival at Hogwarts™
Hufflepuff™ House Banner
哈利波特™ 和妙麗·格蘭傑™
霍格華玆™ 教科書:占卜學
奧利凡德™ 魔杖店和摩金夫人的長袍店
Flying Ford Anglia™
Hogwarts™ Castle and Grounds
霍格華玆™ 魔法箱
Hagrid's Hut: An Unexpected Visit
Hogwarts™: Dumbledore’s Office
霍格華玆葛萊分多™ 宿舍
霍格華茲™ 城堡:飛行課
Hedwig™ at 4 Privet Drive
Forbidden Forest: Umbridge's Encounter
LEGO® Harry Potter™ Advent Calendar
Ravenclaw™ House Banner
Talking Sorting Hat™
Expecto Patronum
Hogwarts™ Carriage and Thestrals
霍格華玆™ 醫院大樓
禁忌森林™ 裡的阿辣哥
Diagon Alley™
Slytherin™ House Banner
Hogwarts Express™ – Collectors' Edition
Quidditch™ Trunk
霍格華玆™ 課本:魔藥學
Attack on the Burrow
霍格華玆™ 課本:變形學
Hogwarts™ Clock Tower
霍格華玆™ 課本:符咒學
Advent Calendar 2024
The Battle of Hogwarts™
霍格華玆™ 課本:草藥學
霍格華玆™ 教科書:黑魔法防禦術
Hogwarts™ Courtyard: Sirius’s Rescue
樂高® 哈利波特™ 聖誕倒數日曆
Hogwarts™: Room of Requirement
Quidditch™ Match
Hogwarts™ Room of Requirement
Triwizard Tournament: The Black Lake
The Rise of Voldemort™
Hogwarts™ Icons - Collectors' Edition
聖誕倒數日曆 2023
Hungarian Horntail Dragon
The Knight Bus™
Gringotts™ Wizarding Bank – Collectors' Edition
Dobby™ the House-Elf
Hagrid's Hut: Buckbeak's Rescue
Hogwarts Express™ & Hogsmeade™ Station
Hogwarts™ Astronomy Tower
Hogwarts™ Express
LEGO® Harry Potter™ 聖誕倒數日曆
The Monster Book of Monsters
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