The crooks think they’re safe with the loot in their mountain hideout and even treat themselves to an outdoor bath…but the wilderness is full of dangers! Stay tuned for more LEGO® City fun!
City 居民們:腦筋急轉彎!
終極逃脫挑戰 #1:歡迎來到 Escape Island!
終極逃脫挑戰 #5:名副其實的翻轉漢堡。
穿越 LEGO® City 最快的方式是甚麼?@SurviveWithClive 絕對是這方面的專家⋯⋯
終極逃脫挑戰 #4:從賽車變成賽⋯⋯船?
Stuntz – enter the arena
Ultimate Escape Challenge
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