1. Mr. Oz Explains | Bunchu
Meet Bunchu! Izzie’s wonderous big blue bunny that she dream crafts from her favorite plushie.
1. Mr. Oz Explains | Bunchu
Meet Bunchu! Izzie’s wonderous big blue bunny that she dream crafts from her favorite plushie.
2. Mr. Oz Explains | Cooper
Meet Cooper! He’s very by the book, so his dream crafts aren’t very imaginative – yet!
3. Mr. Oz Explains | Grimspawn
Meet the Grimspawn! The Nightmare King’s nasty lackeys created from the corrupted imaginations of dreamers!
4. Mr. Oz Explains | Izzie
Meet Izzie! She’s not your typical Night Bureau agent, but she is a very valuable addition to the dream chasers.
5. Mr. Oz Explains | Logan
Meet Logan! He isn’t exactly in touch with his imagination yet, but this kid has got attitude!
6. Mr. Oz Explains | Meet Zian
Meet Zian! Part owl, part cat – he’s Zoey’s loyal companion and always ready to save dreamers in distress.
7. Mr. Oz Explains | Meet Zoey
Meet Zoey, the dream bandit. She’s independent, mysterious and can even control time in the dream world!
8. Mr. Oz Explains | Grimkeepers
Meet the Grimkeepers! They’re walking prisons used by the Nightmare King to bring captured dreamers to The Shadowkeep.
9. Mr. Oz Explains | Meet Mateo
Meet Mateo! A natural dream chaser with a wicked imagination. When Z-Blob’s by his side, he’s capable of great things!
10. Mr. Oz Explains | The Night Hunter
Meet the Night Hunter! The Nightmare King’s right-hand man and commander of the Grimspawn and Grimkeepers.
11. Mr. Oz Explains | Night Terrors
Meet the Night Terrors! These foul creatures are the worst the nightmares have to offer. Avoid them at all costs!
12. Mr. Oz Explains | Mr. Oz
Meet Mr. Oz! Science teacher by day, agent of the Night Bureau by night.
13. Mr. Oz Explains | The Nightmare King
Meet the Nightmare King! He has escaped his prison and is hellbent on corrupting and ruling the dream world.
14. Mr. Oz Explains | Z-Blob
Meet Z-Blob! Mateo’s green blobby comic creation that can cross over from the dream world to the waking world.
15. Mr. Oz Explains | Mr. Sharkyjaw
Meet Mr. Sharkyjaw! Izzie’s most prized possession corrupted into the Night Hunter’s formidable shark ship.
16. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 1
I am the Night Hunter. I knew you’d come. Are you ready to learn the ‘truth’ about that oddball, Mateo?
18. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 3
Back so soon? I bet you want more knowledge to use for something sinister. How about the most annoying dream chaser?
19. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 4
Back for more? I knew you would be. What knowledge should I share with you today? Hm, Logan, now that kid has potential…
20. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 5
Look who’s back seeking darkness and danger. Let me enlighten you on that washed-up science teacher, Oswald…
21. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 6
I see you’ve returned for more knowledge. Let me tell you about that disgusting, wobbly pickle with eyes – Z-Blob.
22. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 7
Welcome back, muhaha! It’s only a matter of time before Zoey slips up! Want to learn how to take her down when she does?
23. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 8
Back so soon? I knew you would be. Mark my words, the fluffy-tailed abomination that is Bunchu WILL be corrupted!
24. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 9
Look who’s back seeking darkness and danger! Get ready to learn about the Nightmare King’s second in command – me!
25. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 10
I see you’ve returned. Want to discover just how terrifying the Nightmare King truly is? He sometimes even scares me…
26. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 11
Back for more dark knowledge? The Grimspawn drive me insane, but I’ll be the first to admit they have their uses.
27. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 12
Back again already? Corrupting Mr. Sharkyjaw was a real coup! But he isn’t the only plushie I have my eye on…
28. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 13
Welcome back, muhaha! Ooh Night Terrors, I love those bad beauties. They make your worst nightmare seem tame…
29. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 14
I knew you’d come, muhaha. Ahh, Grimkeepers. They do an excellent job of scaring the pants off dreamers.
30. Night Hunter Rants Ep. 15
Back so soon? I don’t know how Zoey befriended her ridiculous pet, Zian, but that fleabag is a big thorn in my side.