Zero's Quest你在線上打電動和聊天,直到有一天…砰!有個神秘的物體掉進你家後院,一切似乎都變了。《Zero's Quest》是一場互動式冒險,帶你前往後台,進入積木組成的電玩世界。在這個故事導向的樂高遊戲中,你將扮演愛麗絲(Alice),進入未知的維度、遇見新角色、解開謎題、收集線索、拼砌工具和幫助你的朋友。你能在為時已晚前恢復所有關卡的和諧,為小零(Zero)充電嗎?
NewGolden LegacyThe Time gate is open again?! No more place for villains, let's stop the Overlord and his dragon!
UpdatedGloom Busters發動引擎,在 LEGO® Gloom Busters 中拯救市民。開車環遊世界,幫助城堡、農場與神秘森林的 15 個不同角色。你幫越多忙,就能得到越多獎勵。在時限內盡量收集樂高零件。
NewGolden LegacyThe Time gate is open again?! No more place for villains, let's stop the Overlord and his dragon!
Zero's Quest你在線上打電動和聊天,直到有一天…砰!有個神秘的物體掉進你家後院,一切似乎都變了。《Zero's Quest》是一場互動式冒險,帶你前往後台,進入積木組成的電玩世界。在這個故事導向的樂高遊戲中,你將扮演愛麗絲(Alice),進入未知的維度、遇見新角色、解開謎題、收集線索、拼砌工具和幫助你的朋友。你能在為時已晚前恢復所有關卡的和諧,為小零(Zero)充電嗎?
NewGolden LegacyThe Time gate is open again?! No more place for villains, let's stop the Overlord and his dragon!
Fantastical FootballCreate your own Fantastical 5 a-side football team! Replace players with foxes, cacti, pirate queens and more, all with different skills and characteristics. Replace the rules with pure imagination and wonder as you go head-to-head in a game of Fantastical Football!
UpdatedGloom Busters發動引擎,在 LEGO® Gloom Busters 中拯救市民。開車環遊世界,幫助城堡、農場與神秘森林的 15 個不同角色。你幫越多忙,就能得到越多獎勵。在時限內盡量收集樂高零件。
Funky DOTS™Swap and match LEGO® DOTS™ bricks to solve the tricky puzzles in different levels and get the Highscore :-).